I know it might sound stupid, but I am in awe at being able to see my shadow with every move I make! I walk around and my shadow is there! I type and I can see the shadow of my fingers on the keys. It has been such a long time since I saw my shadow that it is no longer the shadow of a little girl. I feel so ecstatic at seeing my shadow for the first time in over 30 years, that I can imagine myself, taking my hat off and doing a strip tease with my shadow, just as Kim Bassinger did in 9-1/2 Weeks...
Is this what the Ground Hog feels like? Does this mean that I will see six more weeks of winter?! Oh, if that were but true!!!! It has been so hot in the Valley, and it is only June.
When I asked the Lady about my shadow, this is what she said: As for your shadow...one can lose one shadow when one loses self..........From what you are telling me I would think you are retaking your self, your body, and your surrounding .......as if you are regaining control surrendered a long time past.
Progress of the banishing candle:
Yesterday, I was surprised that the candle burned from the inside out. It had fallen backwards as if a person was bending backwards. The drippings had a long penis and testicles attached to the underside with the penis pointing downward. The candle continued to burn. It looked like a flame surrounded by a surface that looks like a tongue. The first drippings that fell out of the candle showed what appeared to be some sort of animal with horns curving downward, kind of like a bull or a ram. The drippings that formed on top of that continued to drip a multitude of forms that look like penises and testicles. The results of the candle were quite frightening to see. Does that mean that I have many male spirits?
The Lady says that it looks as if I have the spirit(s) attention. She recommends to repeat the spell. She suggests to keep a journal of the happenings, because we may need to try other things to remove him and return him to the underworld rather than allow him to walk on the earth. All of this is new to me, and it sounds so frightening, but God must have put this woman in my path for a reason. I hope she can help me to get rid of this evil spirit(s) that keeps haunting me.
Other business:
The woman that Katie suggested never responded. I will let you know if I hear from her, Katie.
I was able to make contact with the man who is a channeler of El Nino Fidencio, however, and he has responded with some things to try on Fridays. I will wait to see how things look between now and Friday...
All I know is that today, I feel different. Have you ever felt so empty that it is as if you are like the dead walking among the living?! I have felt that way for so many years, but as funny as it sounds, today, I feel as if I am three-dimensional!
I think the most powerful difference is that I was able to see my shadow after so many years. I am like a little kid, moving just to see my shadow following me around. Seeing my shadow has given me a feeling of hope.

to never have sunlight on your face.
You were content to let me shine, that's your way,
you always walked a step behind.
So I was the one with all the glory,
while you were the one with all the strength.
A beautiful face without a name -- for so long,
a beautiful smile to hide the pain
... you are retaking your self, your body, and your surrounding ....... as if you are regaining control surrendered a long time past.
Powerful entry !
That is weird. Sometimes you scare me.lol.
I'm glad you're finding your shadow, yourself, it's reminding me some of Peter pan playing with his shadow. But, I should rent 9 1/2 weeks methinks. Long overdue for seeing that one. I personally would be leary of channelers, but, you have to do what you feel is best for YOU. God be with you as you grow -- Robin
Hiya Win, The lady as also a email from me with your Journal i am sure she will be in touch at some point she is so busy and it takes a while but she will answer you.I am glad you have been in touch with someone who can shed some light to what is going off. I have never ever noticed my shadow but i will double check in future.Do a proper check on people that are helping you. The chaneler will have papers and recommedations. Did you read my friends profile if you feel she can help you talk with her when she contacts you. She told me once that a true medium healer or what ever very rarely charge. So be wary ok!!!
Enjoy the empowering feeling you have with your shadow!!!!!!
Wow, I had to comment because of some of what you had written!
You are not being haunted by any evil spirits dear and I think you really need to sit back and stop what ever you are doing where spells are concerned! Are you a spellcaster, a wiccan, a white witch, a practitioner of occulta? If you don't have any idea what you are doing and are not schooled in this area then get out and stay out before you do more harm to yourself than good.
If you believe in God as you have mentioned His name in this journal page then what your page is telling me is that you need to drop whatever someone else is guiding you thru and start trusting in your FAITH and ask God every day to free you from the thoughts and images you seem to be seeing, this is Satanic commentary and not for the faint of heart! When you wake up in the morning sit yourself firmly in a chair and repeat these words "In the name and by the power of Jesus Christ I command you to leave this place, you are not welcomed here". I would repeat this a few times a day, no need for Holy Water or smudging your home, the fact that your words are clear and to the point is enough! No need for spells and no need to let anyone tell you that you are being haunted! We "are" in death as we "were" in life, so if you were a pleasant person in life then you are that way after you pass, if you are evil and miserable then this is what most people consider EVIL spirits...they are merely miserable human beings who carry over what they live in this life!
Let God lead the way and always remember nothing is impossible when you call on the Power of the Living God....Jesus Christ cast out many evil spirits and in His name you have the same ability, have Faith and Believe in the Power of the Lord.
Good luck and I was sent here by another reader to read your journal and advise you. God Bless/Bright Blessings/Namaaste/and Merry Part....Doreen :)))))))))
I will add one more thing...BE VERY LEARY OF THOSE WHO SAY THEY HAVE SPECIAL ABILITIES! Channelers/mediums/psychics/healers/LightWarriors/LightWorkers/clairvoyants/intuitives/witches/warlocks/wiccans and anything else I have not mentioned!
There are many out there that can sway so many and turn them into flocks of sheep to the slaughter with the caw-caw they are feeding them! Our only faults is that we are gullable, innocent and trusting! If you do not feel comfortable with someone "walk away", if what you are being told scares you "walk away" and if you are being pushed into spellcasting and the likes of that type of behavior "walk away". Not all is what it's cracked up to be and their are many out there who make a living scamming people into thinking they can make your life alot better.
Email me and I will send you a wonderful grounding prayer to use every day.
Ty for letting me comment Doreen :)))))))
I am a believer of El Nino Fidencio and I have been to Epinazo many times. You must have faith in him or the will not work for you no matter what you try. Have faith in GOD he will protect you from anything. Also for yourself you need to put a glass of water near or under your bed for protection and so that the Nino can be with you. You will sleep better.
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