Sunday, June 17, 2007

Father's Day

Winning With Win

Today's Helpful Hints:
Father's Day
(I love this picture because that is pee on the man's T-Shirt. Now that is the test of a REAL dad!)
If you are a dad, raise your children to be responsible adults. Prepare them for life so that they can solve their own problems. It will keep them from turning to drugs or other vices that will ruin their life.
If you are a dad, spend time with your children. Hug them. Kiss them. Let them know that they are loved. This will help them to be healthier adults.
If you are a dad, be careful what you say and do, because your children will want to imitate you.
If you are the wife of a dad, do not be afraid to hug or kiss your husband in front of your children. Children want their parents love each other. Be a role model for the kind of spouse they want for themselves so they make better choices.
   If you have a dad that did a disappearing act or if your dad was a jerk, pray for him and leave him in God's hands.
   If you are a grandfather, spend time with your grandchildren. If you missed out on being there for your own children, God has given you a second chance.
If you have a grandfather, take time to really get to know him. Grandfathers have a lot of stories, wisdom, and history. Learn from them.
To the world,
my Father and my Grandfather
were but ordinary people,
but to me,
they were the greatest Dads
who ever lived
because they loved me.


Anonymous said...

Very nice Win!  Couldn't have said it better myself xoxBarbara

Anonymous said...

Great entry.......thanks for sharing it

Anonymous said...

I hope that 's sweat on that guy's tshirt!  :)  And, right, if someone wasn't or isn't one to truly be called a good dad, pray and put him in God's hands.  I like that.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful post Win!