Monday, June 18, 2007

Balancing Act


I'm very excited about my plans for finally organizing and balancing my life. My mind just keeps adding new ideas. Once I have it in order, I will take it for a test drive.


Does anybody know who this Goddess is?! Isn't she awesome?!# Sometimes, I wish I had as many arms as she does.  =.)

Last night I went for a moonlit walk with God. The New Moon was a beautiful upward crescent with Venus close above it, shining like a bright star. It was very beautiful, even though it was not surrounded by any stars. The night almost looked as if it were day, and this was at about 9:00 last night.

I was disappointed not to see the moon this morning. I guess I woke up too late to go for my walk. I will need to get up earlier tomorrow to see if there is a moon in the sky.

         Yesterday, I wore a dress and jacket to church. After wearing nothing but pants for almost two years, I will definitely need to re-train myself how to keep my legs together when wearing a dress! Boy, is that difficult and uncomfortable. Putting on pantyhose was a challenge. Imagine if I had tried to put on a girdle! Oh, sweet Lord!  

It was very uncomfortable to sit in the pew, because the pew was too high. I couldn't plant my feet on the floor, because my feet did not reach the floor. My large tummy also got in the way. I couldn't even lay my hands gently on my lap. Although my stomach was empty, I wondered if overweight people feel as stuffed as I felt on that pew. Ahhh, the sacrifices of being a girl and looking adorable.

I think it might be sacreligious to say that the priest who gave mass yesterday was very good looking, but the truth hurts. What can I say?! I spent time with him in the confessional and he gave me a blessing. He told me not to worry, because God lives in my heart, and he told me to "keep smiling."

   I was grateful that he noticed my smile. People do not know that they had to take four teeth out to put my mouth back together. They do not know that many of my teeth are broken and cracked. They do not know that I had to have my teeth wired shut for a year so that they would not fall out. People do not know how much I value my smile. I would have to say that my smile is my best feature.

Something kept telling me that I needed to hug that priest, so I did. I remember writing that I would be too embarrassed to be hugged, because I knew that I would lose control and start crying. I only hugged him for a few seconds, all the while reminding myself that I probably didn't smell good, because I had forgotten to spray on some perfume. (I told you that it had been some time since I dressed up like a lady.)

I was right. Hugging him made me lose control, but I know in my heart that God wanted me to do it. I left the confessional quickly so he wouldn't see my tears, but when I knelt down in the church, the tears kept flowing and flowing and flowing. I had to keep from looking at the priest during mass, because everytime that I looked at him, the tears kept coming.

"Love is seen as one common denominator that underlies and connects all successful healing. Without it, there can be no true healing. For healing means not only a body without disease or injury, but a sense of forgiveness, belonging and caring as well." ~ Benjamin Shield and Richard Carlron

I thank God for the cleansing that I received yesterday. The cleansing felt like a beautiful rainbow after the rain. 



Anonymous said...

I am sure that made you feel better.  Some times we just need a good cry.
I am sending you a big ((HUG)) your way.
take care,

Anonymous said...

I am glad you hugged him too.
I know it touched his heart.
You are a good person, I can tell from your words.
Hope you keep going to church..It helps give one a sense of peace.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful.  I'm glad you had this blessing, Win.

Anonymous said...

great entry!!
We all need a good soul cleansing every now and then and you did yesterday!!

Anonymous said...

LOL at your 1st graphic.  We all need a soul cleansing.  I'm glad you got your hug.  Many hugs to you.........
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Now that is real talent!!!  HUGS TO YA WINN