Sunday, June 24, 2007

Winivere's Sunday Plan


Sunday is dedicated to the Sun. In Mythology, the sun god is Apollo. Apollo was the son of Zeus.

     The story behind this beautiful sculpture by Bertini began when Apollo made fun of Eros (Cupid), the son of Venus. Apollo thought Eros was a tiny and weak god. This angered Eros, so he shot Apollo with a gold-tipped arrow to make him fall in love with Daphne, a beautiful river nympth. He then turned around and shot at Daphne with a lead-tipped arrow. The lead-tipped arrow made Daphne disgusted and repulsed by Apollo. Apollo chased after Daphne, trying to win her love, but Daphne cried out to the Mother Earth for help. Mother Earth turned her into a laurel tree.  

Without knowing, I have a small statue of Daphne in my bathroom that I bought at the dollar store. She is very beautiful. I thought she was a wood nymph.


Characteristics of the Sun


DIRECTIONS: The sun rises in the East and sets in the West. 

Leadership, Employment, Money, Prosperity, Abundance, Performing Arts, Self-Confidence, New Ventures, Passion for Life, Spirituality.

COLORS TO WEAR TODAY~ Gold, Red, Orange, Yellow, Bronze 


FOODS~ Hot and Spicy Foods, Peppers (including bell pepper), Garlic, Onion, Carrots, Orange, Cinnamon, Coffee, Chocolate, Strawberries, Wine, Foods that make you feel Prosperous or Passionate.

Things to consider on Sunday:

* Sit outside at sunrise with a good cup of coffee and ask God for illumination and inspiration

* Learn to do the Yoga "Salutation to the Sun" pose

* Go to church, not to ask God for things, but to spend time with God in gratitude for all of the abundance in your life.

* Bake cinnamon rolls in the morning to fill the home with the sweet scent of spice, health, and success.

* Arrange sunflowers in a vase for fame and ambition.

* Scatter petals of marigold to encourage prosperity.

Snack on an orange to remind yourself of your burst of passion for life.

* Look through Sunday paper for employment

* If possible, try not to work today. Take time to meditate, to treat yourself like royalty instead of a servant. Take time to think about all of the abundance in your life and be grateful.

If you have any low-fat "Fire and Passion" recipes to share using the foods mentioned above, please send them via email to Recipes that do not make me a slave to my kitchen or my pocketbook are preferred. =.)

Saturday, June 23, 2007

The Rain Outside The Glass Box



It is so rare for it to rain in the Valley that I just had to write about it today! I wish it would rain all day, but it looks as if it has already stopped. I love the rain.

Friday, June 22, 2007



It sounds as if God's tummy is hungry. There was a fierce thunder that went all across the roof. It doesn't sound as if it is raining. Wonder what is going on with the weather. It looked as if there was some kind of watch earlier, but I wasn't paying attention. Hummm... there is another loud sound of thunder... I love the rain. It reminds me of my first kiss.

Does anyone know who the guy is in the background of this tag? He looks kind of scary. LOL... I don't have a boyfriend, but it is a cute tag... Thank you for tagging this for me, Sugar. =.)

I didn't eat what I had planned to eat today, because I couldn't find my list!!! OMGGG... At least I didn't eat as much as I used to last week. I am so excited that I am doing better. I am grateful that this time at home has allowed me to work on this awful bronchitis and to get some much needed rest. I went for a walk this morning, I drank my fluids, and I stopped eating before 7:30 p.m., although my tummy told me otherwise.

I got accepted to go to Youth Leadership Camp as a volunteer staffer in July. I have been looking through my clothes to see what I can wear to camp, because I do not plan on buying anything new. Camp is a lot of hard work and a lot of long hours, but it is a life-changing experience, and I really need to go this year. I know I need a job, but if I get a job, I hope it will be after camp.

I know I should be feeling stressed about finding a job, but I'm not. I feel a little guilty about that, but somehow, I have faith that something will show up. I saw a job on the net today, but I do not have Microsoft Word to download the application. I wonder how much it costs...

   I am surprised that I am doing pretty good with my supply of food. I figured that it would probably only last for a week, but it looks as if I will have food for next week, too. I look in the refrigerator and I say to myself:

"Oooo... I want to eat that, but then, I think about my food plan, and I tell myself that I can have it, but I will have to wait until the right day to eat it, because today, I have to eat something different." =.)

LOL @ I love that! It keeps me from gorging food down for no reason... Even if I do not lose any weight this week, I can see that I am making progress, because I am not eating like I used to!

I will probably need to buy some lettuce next week, because the one in my refrigerator is wilted. Why do they spray so much water on produce?! I hate that.

I love that I changed to soymilk, because I do not have to worry about it getting spoiled before I have a chance to drink it. I am shaking my head, thinking of all that milk that I had to throw out! Soymilk is more expensive, but it is worth not having to go to the store all the time just to buy milk.

I love this little graphic. It demonstrates how life never ends...


Thursday, June 21, 2007

Hot Hot Hot


Summer in the Valley is like living in HELL... Temperatures are at an all-time high... Looking for work in the heat of summer is just downright MADDDDDDDDD.

Info for journal/ Exercise:

The following is info from Sunday until this morning...

Sunday~ p.m.: First Day~ Walked 8 laps 

Monday~ a.m.: Walked 8 laps/ ~ p.m.: Neighbor latched on to me. Walked 6 very slow laps. Neighbor walks very slow and she got tired.

Tuesday~ a.m./p.m.: None (Had stuff to do.)

Wednesday~ a.m.: Walked 6 laps/~ p.m.:none 

Thursday~ a.m.: Walked 6 laps

Info for journal/ Weight-Loss Goals:

Starting Date: Sunday, June 17, 2007

Measure starting weight. ~ check

Eat less. ~ check

Drink plenty of fluids. ~ check

Start walking. ~ check

Stop eating by 7:30 p.m. ~ check

Info for journal/ Projects:

I am excited about a plan that I am working on. The plan will tie all of my projects together: eating plan,daily chores, clothing, jewelry, decorating. I can hardly wait until I have it organized enough to put it into practice.

I am already testing a few ideas, and so far, I like them. I think this is going to work to finally bring balance into my life.


Monday, June 18, 2007

Balancing Act


I'm very excited about my plans for finally organizing and balancing my life. My mind just keeps adding new ideas. Once I have it in order, I will take it for a test drive.


Does anybody know who this Goddess is?! Isn't she awesome?!# Sometimes, I wish I had as many arms as she does.  =.)

Last night I went for a moonlit walk with God. The New Moon was a beautiful upward crescent with Venus close above it, shining like a bright star. It was very beautiful, even though it was not surrounded by any stars. The night almost looked as if it were day, and this was at about 9:00 last night.

I was disappointed not to see the moon this morning. I guess I woke up too late to go for my walk. I will need to get up earlier tomorrow to see if there is a moon in the sky.

         Yesterday, I wore a dress and jacket to church. After wearing nothing but pants for almost two years, I will definitely need to re-train myself how to keep my legs together when wearing a dress! Boy, is that difficult and uncomfortable. Putting on pantyhose was a challenge. Imagine if I had tried to put on a girdle! Oh, sweet Lord!  

It was very uncomfortable to sit in the pew, because the pew was too high. I couldn't plant my feet on the floor, because my feet did not reach the floor. My large tummy also got in the way. I couldn't even lay my hands gently on my lap. Although my stomach was empty, I wondered if overweight people feel as stuffed as I felt on that pew. Ahhh, the sacrifices of being a girl and looking adorable.

I think it might be sacreligious to say that the priest who gave mass yesterday was very good looking, but the truth hurts. What can I say?! I spent time with him in the confessional and he gave me a blessing. He told me not to worry, because God lives in my heart, and he told me to "keep smiling."

   I was grateful that he noticed my smile. People do not know that they had to take four teeth out to put my mouth back together. They do not know that many of my teeth are broken and cracked. They do not know that I had to have my teeth wired shut for a year so that they would not fall out. People do not know how much I value my smile. I would have to say that my smile is my best feature.

Something kept telling me that I needed to hug that priest, so I did. I remember writing that I would be too embarrassed to be hugged, because I knew that I would lose control and start crying. I only hugged him for a few seconds, all the while reminding myself that I probably didn't smell good, because I had forgotten to spray on some perfume. (I told you that it had been some time since I dressed up like a lady.)

I was right. Hugging him made me lose control, but I know in my heart that God wanted me to do it. I left the confessional quickly so he wouldn't see my tears, but when I knelt down in the church, the tears kept flowing and flowing and flowing. I had to keep from looking at the priest during mass, because everytime that I looked at him, the tears kept coming.

"Love is seen as one common denominator that underlies and connects all successful healing. Without it, there can be no true healing. For healing means not only a body without disease or injury, but a sense of forgiveness, belonging and caring as well." ~ Benjamin Shield and Richard Carlron

I thank God for the cleansing that I received yesterday. The cleansing felt like a beautiful rainbow after the rain. 


Sunday, June 17, 2007

Father's Day

Winning With Win

Today's Helpful Hints:
Father's Day
(I love this picture because that is pee on the man's T-Shirt. Now that is the test of a REAL dad!)
If you are a dad, raise your children to be responsible adults. Prepare them for life so that they can solve their own problems. It will keep them from turning to drugs or other vices that will ruin their life.
If you are a dad, spend time with your children. Hug them. Kiss them. Let them know that they are loved. This will help them to be healthier adults.
If you are a dad, be careful what you say and do, because your children will want to imitate you.
If you are the wife of a dad, do not be afraid to hug or kiss your husband in front of your children. Children want their parents love each other. Be a role model for the kind of spouse they want for themselves so they make better choices.
   If you have a dad that did a disappearing act or if your dad was a jerk, pray for him and leave him in God's hands.
   If you are a grandfather, spend time with your grandchildren. If you missed out on being there for your own children, God has given you a second chance.
If you have a grandfather, take time to really get to know him. Grandfathers have a lot of stories, wisdom, and history. Learn from them.
To the world,
my Father and my Grandfather
were but ordinary people,
but to me,
they were the greatest Dads
who ever lived
because they loved me.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Is That You?!

                    It's funny how some people's writing is so funny that it makes your stomach hurt from laughing, but if you meet them in person, they have long faces and never smile. Why is that? It's as if they are as different as night and day...

  If you were to meet me on the street, you'd probably wonder if I am the actual author of The Glass Box.


I know a lot of my entries have a taste of meloncholy and some are just plain sad. I must apologize for feeling so sad sometimes, but that's what happens when you work through your problems. Duh! You would be sad, too, if you lived in the Valley... 

If you were to meet me in person, knowing that I am the author of The Glass Box, however, you'd probably ask: Is that you?!!!!!

In real life, I am always smiling, as if I don't have a worry in the world.   I always look happy.

When it comes to humor and wit, I can be the quickest draw in the West! Sometimes, I just like to keep quiet and observe... People watching can be so very interesting!!! And, yes, I would have to admit that I can be somewhat of a flirt... OK.. a big flirt. (blush) 

 But mostly, I think you would see an intelligent, independent  woman who is kind and sweet, but somewhat of a warrior. Men see me as playful. Women see me as a threat. But people who take the time to know me discover that I am the greatest friend you will ever want to meet.


Now to the boring stuff... (as if my description of myself wasn't boring enough)... Yesterday's plans were to go through clothes to see what I was going to donate to charity and what I was going to keep. I ended up organizing my jewelry by color instead. That was a good thing, because I noticed that I am missing a few of my favorite pieces. I hate that. 

Working at the school, I didn't get to wear my pretty jewelry, so looking at my jewelry again was a big treat. That is why I was so happy to wear my rose quartz yesterday. Also, working at the school, I had to wear school spirit stuff. I didn't get to wear my own clothes. That is why I don't fit in my own clothes now! Sad!

   When I worked at a regular job, I would decide what jewelry to wear first, and then, I would decide what to wear.  I know it sounds far fetched, but that is what worked for me.

So I got out a piece of paper and I started writing... putting in the days of the week... deciding what jewelry to wear on what days. Making that list will help me to make better decisions about what clothing I will keep and what clothing I will give away to charity, so that was good! See... it looks as if I am not making progress, but I am!! =.)

Then, I put all of my makeup into a little suitcase that fits in the upper drawer of my night stand. It looks like a little "glass box" suitcase, because it is clear. I love how easy it is to see if I need to replace mascara or gloss, etc, because everything is in order, not all mixed up. I used to use this case for my gloves and hankies, but it functions well for my makeup, because everything is together. It is fun to find new uses for things. =.)

I took this organized kick a step further by organizing my meals by days... like a menu with flexibility. I don't know how costly it will be to eat like that, but I took the list with me when I went marketing this morning.  I spent $60 on groceries. Now, to see how far the food will stretch and if it will satisfy! Will it be enough for one week or two weeks?!

I hate feeling so tired from just bringing the groceries up the stairs. It is so hard to walk sexy when your back, legs and ankles hurt!! LOL @ I feel like such an old lady...Where is that good looking boy scout with the rippling muscles when you need him?!! That would show Stella how to get my groove back!

The next step is to separate the meat, etc, into serving sizes before I put it into the freezer. Food is a big challenge when you have to think about income. This week, I noticed that I ate more, because I was afraid that I would run out of food. How stupid does that sound?! =.)

Friday, June 15, 2007

It Was Then That I Carried You

Today's Inspiration is from Dondie's Journal:

“God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him” Philippians 2:13

God loves you far too much to leave you where you are. So why settle for a middle-of-the-road life when you can cross the finish line victoriously! 

Thank you so much for your entry, Dondie. It must be wonderful to have a mom who is so supportive and kind... 

  As you know, I am and have always been physically alone in the world. There is no one that I can depend on for any kind of support except myself. That makes it harder for me to accomplish things than it does for people who have people who love and support them. I sincerely believe that if I had received hugs in my lifetime, especially in my childhood, I would have gotten so much further in life...

Many years ago, I decided that if I did not have a father (deceased) and if I did not have a supportive mother, that I was going to adopt God as my Father and the Blessed Mother as my Mother. That may sound unheard of to some, but for someone who is alone in the world, this decision made a big difference in my life, because for the first time in my life, I felt as if I was not alone...

Unfortunately, I am still not getting the physical hugs from anyone. I think my greatest wish would be to just have someone to hold me, just hold me for a very long time. I do not mean that I need a man. This has nothing to do with anything sexual. Although to be held is something that my body needs, I am afraid for that to happen, because I would be so embarrassed if I lost control. I am afraid that I would end up crying and the tears would just continue to flow. It takes a very special person to be able to understand that kind of pain. It is so hard to be strong, but I thank God that I carry the power within myself.

I believe that I was born with all the tools that I need to survive in this world. Some people say that all you need is God, but I disagree. I believe that you need your own power plus the power of God. When the two forces work together, that is the real miracle.  


You carry the Power with you! ~ Elvira

With this bronchitis, I feel as if I am doing everything in slow motion. I am pretty sure that I have become immune to the medication. I am praying for better health and and some new found energy so that I do not feel so overwhelmed. 

I am fearful of what lies ahead, but I am also excited, because I know that God is waiting on me. I know that He wants me to continue to do great things in His name, and if that is so, I know that He will clear the way and help me to get to where He wants me to be...

Today is Friday. I am wearing my rose quartz jewelry, and I love it! Today, I will be going through clothes, deciding what to keep and what to donate to charity.