Who was the last person or object you shared beds with? If I told you, I'd have to kill you! LOL
What was your last fight about and with who? I am not a fighter.
Do you consider yourself a neat freak? Not since I had kids. LOL
Do you have anyone's clothes? No, but a guy gave me his shirt once.
What's your relationship with the person you last texted? I don't do the text thang...
Do you have a fish tank? NEGATIVO
Last place you took a plane to? I think it was a trip to Central America.
Would you tell a stranger if they had spinach in their teeth? YES, especially if he is HOT. lol
If you found out you couldn't have kids, would you adopt? Well, I already had them; didn't I?! LOL... I don't want any more kids. Thank you.
What is your preferred method of birth control? No palito, no bebito. LOL
Have you ever lied about your age? Always (in person) but not On-Line.
Ever had an encounter with the police? YES, but the story is too juicy to share. LOL
Last time you went out of town? Four miles from here is out of town. LOL
Whose car were you in last? MINE
Who do you most look like in your family? My aunt Alicia.
Have you kissed someone with braces? NO... that would REALLY be robbing the cradle. LOL
Do you have a hard time admitting you're wrong? NO
Do you like to travel by plane? Sure, after a couple of little drinks. LOL
Did you get enough sleep last night? No
Have you ever made out in a bathroom? Yes. Oops did I admit to that? LOL
Has anyone ever hung up on you? YES, but not intentionally.
Looking forward to something this weekend? Camp... if I find a way to go.
Has anyone smoked in your car? Not that I know of, but I do cough a lot in my car so maybe previous owner? (I'm allergic.)
Do you have any bruises? No.
Do you find piercings attractive? NOT ON MEN
Who was the last person you sat next to? my brother LOL
What is the worst subject they teach at school? I liked school. It was the kids who were mean.
If you had 100 dollars to spend on clothes, where would you go to shop? I have no idea. I hate shopping in the Valley.
Do long distance relationships work? It's possible but sometimes close distance relationship don't work either!
How do you earn money? by working for it. LOL
Where were you raised? That's just geography.
When was the last time you talked to your number 1? WHO IS MY NUMBER ONE, LOL.
What is on your bed rightnow? Sheets, pillows, a book (I think)
Do you name your stuffed animals? I have a teddy bear name Fonzi (Short for Alfonso)
What's the last sporting event you watched? dancing with the stars
Ever collected unemployment? yes
Your parents tell you they're moving to Mexico: No way Mother would move there!
Do you think you are an argumentative person? no
Would you rather have a poodle or a rottweiler? poodle
What jewelry do you wear all the time? I only wear jewelry when I go out.
Have you ever had a difficult relationship? but of course!!!
Ever driven into the ghetto to buy drugs? LOL @ just driving into the ghetto is a trip!
Are your ears gauged? No. That's just FREAKY!
How did you feel when you woke up today? I woke up at 4 so I think I woke up too early.
Where did you buy the shirt you're wearing now? I am not wearing a shirt! 
Ever kissed someone who smokes? YES, yuck @ he tasted like an ashtray.
What do you usually do first in the morning? Go pee, weigh, brush my teeth, shower, clean the shower while I am still in it, clean the bathroom.
What are you doing tonight? THIS SURVEY
This was an interesting one. Not so typical as most. Loved reading your answers.
Great answers Win xxx Hope your ok :)
Oh c'mon Win. We know you have your ears gauged & like men with percings : D
Okay, this survey I can do!
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