I hate playing phone tag
but I finally touched
base with my daughter...
As luck would have it,
she will be out of town
next weekend
so if I go to summer camp,
I will need to find another way to get there.
Yesterday, I couldn't stay awake.
Today, it was hard to remain standing in church.
Right now, I just want to crash...
Doing anything physical is so draining!
How will I be able to be successful
at a job if my body continues to fight me?!
Yesterday, I decided to go
for the month of August.
The landlady said it would be
$50 more
but the computer rang it up as
only $40 more.
I hope that means
that I made the right decision.

Great tags Wini. You do so well in animations. I'm having a bad day as well. Been a little depressed which makes me want to stay in bed. Hope you get to go to camp.
Hugs, Joyce
The tags are so adorable, Wini! You, Joyce and Bethe are just awesome! I hope you can find a way to camp. I think that would do you a world of good and revive the energy level. Love ya, Chris
Love the tag! Any decision you make it good once you make it, just don't start second guessing yourself :)
Pooh Hugs,
My Alerts have just com eon after a VERY quiet weekend. So loads of journals to read this morning...Glad that you made a decision on the rent...Think you ar eright always be prepared to move at a moments notice you never know what is round the corner... much Love sybil xx
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