Saturday, November 18, 2006


It's hard to remember a day that I don't wake up early. In my childhood, it was the roosters that would start my day, but as an adult, it's usually the light of day that makes me feel as if I have slept too long, no matter how late I stay up the night before.

Today, I am the first appointment on my hairdresser's agenda. I am not looking forward to handing her my hard earned money, but my grown out roots demand some attention. This is the first touchup that I go to.

It feels weird to have to go to a professional to get my hair done. In the past, I always dyed my own hair. I like doing it myself, because I don't have to worry about having calico hair. I just retouch as soon as it is needed. But with highlights, it is so expensive that you wait three months between treatments, unless if you have a high paying job, I suppose. Marilyn Monroe would retouch her roots every five days. That's a lot of maintenance! I think I have done the hair comb over trick to it's limit. All I know is that I am too embarrassed to let it go one more week. It's time.

While we were at lunch yesterday, one of the teachers was talking on the phone with her friend. They were frustrated at wanting to attend a dinner gala event but they couldn't find a babysitter. I told her that I would do it, and she thought I was joking. To make a long story short, that is what I will be doing tonight: babysitting two little girls, ages 5 and 10.

So after work yesterday, she invited me to coffee and to meet the girls. Well, we ended up at Red Lobster instead! I didn't expect a meal out of this, but I am glad that it was at a restaurant that left my palate in complete catharsis, not to mention the buns that were not on the menu. The waiters were so hot that they were fortunate that the food kept me busy, although it didn't keep me from flirting when they showed up.

I feel guilty about not calling Tony. He probably thinks I didn't like him enough to take the time to keep in contact with him. Is this what men feel like when they don't call us?



Anonymous said...

How nice you got taken out to dinner, and some "eye candy " was a bonus.
Have fun babysitting tonight.

Anonymous said...

Dinner is good :)~  Side dishes are better!  LOL
Have fun with the girls this evening.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had fun! :)

Anonymous said...

Highlights - Every 4 weeks for me.  Worth it though.  I have brown hair and the highlights help.  Very nice of you to babysit tonight.  Why don't you call Tony?     Tracy

Anonymous said...

Clairol just put out a REAL "roots only" product, try it?  Glad you enjoyed that lobster it's good for you - so's flirting, keep it up!  xoxo CATHY