Sunday, October 24, 2004

Pennies from Heaven

I've been counting my pennies most of these days. Seems everything at the office has been chaotic. But when you least expect it, God shows up! I got a few pennies raise! Yay! It wont be enough for a dinner at Red Lobster, but a few pennies is better than nothing!

Also, the coworker that was transferred to another office left me a Glass Box. She used to keep candy in it. It is rectangular in shape and it is made of thick glass. It is about the size of the palm of your hand. I was thinking of putting candy in it, too, but after I washed it clean, it looked so beautiful that candy would take away from it's beauty. I keep it on my desk at work... a reminder of the Glass Box. I will need to look for a Glass Box to keep on my desk at home, too. It will be my Xmas present to myself...            


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you got a raise at work.