Monday, October 11, 2004

Christopher Reeve 09/25/1952 - 10/10/2004

                        Superman (32 Ko)


I refuse to allow a disability to determine how I live my life.  ~ Christopher Reeve

Beyond fantasy, beyond obsession, beyond time itself, he will find her... Christopher Reeve is most popular for his role as Superman, but he won my heart as Jane Seymour's leading man in Somewhere In Time, my favorite movie.

When Reeve's horseback riding accident made him paralyzed and bound to a wheelchair, he thought of suicide, but the strong love of his wife made him capable of doing great things. Reeve's goal, Reeve's dream was to be able to walk again someday. He refused to allow his disability to keep him from living his life to the fullest. He refused to allow his disability to keep him from doing the things he loved: to act and to direct, but Reeve's injury opened the doors of his true destiny, his heroic role in real life as a spokesman to raise money for spinal cord research. He is and will forever be Superman, a hero by example, a hero of courage, a true inspiration of a man who used his personal tragedy to help others instead of feeling sorry for himself.

note: Christopher Reeve was born on 09/25, my father's birthday. He died on 10/10, my grandfather's birthday... the two most important men in my life.

Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation    500 Morris Avenue, Springfield, NJ 07081/ (800)225-0292.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Christopher was so sexy. I never saw him in the movie you mentioned but I did see Superman. I was sad to hear of his passing. That is strange that he was born on your father's birthday and he died on your granfather's birthday.