So whenever I see someone write down a "Christmas Wish List," I find it hard to understand why someone would do that. For me, the best presents I ever got were when my kids would clean house for me, bring me breakfast in bed, draw me a picture, or embroider something for me.
My thoughts for receiving gifts have not changed. I always think of what I can give to someone, but I never expect anything in return. I find no reason to ask for anything, because the gifts I like are not gifts that can be put into a box. It would be nice to have what others have, but I feel that I am already blessed.
In "Shall We Dance," Richard Gere's character feels as blessed as I do, and therefore, has no reason to ask for anything special, but when Susan Sarandan said that for once, she would like to know what he would like that fit in a box, it got me to thinking. What would I like that comes in a box?!#
So here is my list:
1. A telescope.
2. A dress form.
3. An easel.
4. A compass.
5. A music box that plays "Wind Beneath My Wings"
6. A standing jewelry box.
That's a long list for me... Now, if anyone asks, I finally have a list..
What a wonderful entry. I'm with you on the giving and getting. I get very frustrated with the material objects all the 365 days a year. It's what you do that defines you, not what you give in material. i love that movie and I love that finally he got the shoes to continue what he fell in love doing.
Nice list ;)
I, too have experieced the things you mention in your first paragraph, not as a child, but when my children were young.
Nice entry.
Have a good week.
When my mom asked me what I wanted for Christmas this year, I relly couldn't think of anything. Here's what I came up with:
1. For Kelly's knee to be fixed permanently so she can go back to playing soccer.
2. A guarantee that Brian will not have any more seizures
3. For Kaitlin's medication to finally be straightened out so she can be HAPPY.
I guess I'm like you. Nothing that fits in a box!!! (lol)
I much rather give any day than receive.never expect anything I don't it's not my nature.Lots of people were poor dear so you were not alone.Lovely entry and my Christmas Wish List is always first and last GOOD HEALTH asked for, for myself and everyone.Have a lovely day.God Bless.
Astoriasand http:..journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES
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