When I began writing The Glass Box, I did not know a thing about colors, inserting pictures, or anything. I still marvel at how beautiful some journals are. I wish The Glass Box had received more of that. It is three years in the making already, so to go back and correct the problems would take way too much time and effort. That makes me feel a little sad, because The Glass Box is a very important part of my life.
The worst experience for me was in 2004, when a couple of AOL readers told me that I didn't deserve to be recognized by AOL. That sliced my heart like a knife, because I had almost lost all of the weight that I wanted to lose. That setback brought back the pounds and it has been extremely hard to get back on track. I wish I had never listened to their remarks, and I wish I had never turned AOL down when they tried to recognize The Glass Box. I know my journal wasn't fancy with graphics and such, but I was losing the weight and I was so focused on my weight loss goals. I hope that I can find that drive again. I do not know if those two women take a peek at my journal every now and then. All I know is that they stopped leaving comments when they found out.
The WORST of 2006:
1. I was stuck at a school where the principal was easily influenced by the social worker. The principal did not allow me to do anything for the students.
2. The secretary that we had didn't like me. She turned the other workers against me, so they never wanted to help me to learn my job and they were not very friendly towards me.
3. I am still stuck in the mishaps for 2004 and the words of my critical mother. I just haven't been inspired to lose the weight.
4. My health continues to be bad. My injuries are still painful, and to top it off, I fell again this year.
5. One of my goals was to get organized. I started out on the right foot, but then, it didn't happen. I suppose it was because of all the stress at my job, but then when I was transferred to another school, I fell for the second time, so that project continued on hold.
6. As for my love life, I never followed through. I didn't bother to contact Noe until December when I went to pick up some citrus. I lost track of the Seafood guy because I didn't follow up on time. He went on to another job. It's embarrassing that I don't even remember his name. Then, I met Tony and failed to call him back. James showed up after seven years, but I haven't bothered to make contact with him, either.
The BEST of 2006:
1. I was transferred to another school. The principal is a hard person, too, but I have been able to do more for the kids than I was allowed to do at the other school.
2. An ex-colleague of mine was hired by our agency in September. Because of our previous friendship, some of my co-workers have noticed that I am a good person and that she always looks for me at our meetings, so some of them have begun to see me in a new light. Of course, there are some who will never change, but our friendship has opened up some doors for me.
It disappoints me that I was not able to accomplish as much as I would have liked in 2006, but I thank the Lord that I am no longer at my previous job. I am blessed.

In my quest to get organized in 2007 and gain a little control over my life, I have started a new journal: The Feng-Shui Amateur. I love the new colors in my new journal. I read that an extra bonusof Feng-Shui is that it will also help me tolose weight. That would be awesome; don'tcha think?!
Winivere =.)
aawwww I hope 2007 brings the best. I tried to read the other journal but these old eyes couldn't.... I will try later maybe it's the lighting at my house
I tried to read your new journal, but couldn't till I highlighted the entire entry. It's the colors, maybe you can get a white text for that dark of a background?
Hoping the New Year is bright for you!
Hugs, Sugar
Hi, I'm new to your journal. :o) I really love it! I love your strength! You're such a strong woman...and it shows! :o) So sorry about this past year not being so good to you, and those horrible people making such comments to you. I have the same thing happen to me, and yes, it does hurt more then people think. I do hope that this coming year of 2007 will be so much better for you. :o) Hugs to you hon. :o)
I hope 2007 is a better year for you. The comments the 2 persons left you must have hurt you, but you have a lot more people that care very much for you. Perhaps 2007 will give you a great deal more confidence. and how do i get a link to your new journal?
happy new year
love and hugs
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