![]() ![]() A special thanks goes out to my new graphic group. I am an open page, ready to learn from your spectacularly wonderful talents. Thank you so much for accepting me into your talented realm.
Happy New Year, J-Land!!!
![]() XOXOX,
![]() Winivere
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Sunday, December 31, 2006
Midnight Kisses
New Year's Eve
Friday, December 29, 2006
Best-Worst of 2006
When I began writing The Glass Box, I did not know a thing about colors, inserting pictures, or anything. I still marvel at how beautiful some journals are. I wish The Glass Box had received more of that. It is three years in the making already, so to go back and correct the problems would take way too much time and effort. That makes me feel a little sad, because The Glass Box is a very important part of my life.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Pass It Along
14. Favorite food? Avocado... also Seafood
God Answers Prayers
God saw you hungry & created McDonald's, Wendy's, and Burger King.
God saw you thirsty & created Coke, Juice, and Water.
God saw you in the dark & created Light.
God saw you without a Good Looking, Adorable, Brilliant FRIEND...
so He created ME!!!
Christmas @ TheGlassBox
At work, I received an inexpensive Body Slash and Lip Gloss from my friend, Laura. She bought nice things for other people, and she felt bad about buying me such a cheap gift, but the fact that she thought enough about me to get me something was totally unexpected. I loved the Body Splash so much, that I had to go out and get the full-sized bottle. It is called Sugar Apple Fantasy, and it smells as if it is something from Bath and Body works.
My Angel said that she is making me something, but I haven't received it yet, because she hasn't finished it. I wonder what it is.
I haven't been able to keep up with Season Three of Grey's Anatomy, because they moved it to Thursday, so I broke down my "It's too expensive" thoughts and bought the Second Season of Grey's Anatomy. It comes with five discs, and so far, I have only watched two. That's lots of hours of viewing, so if you think it is not worth the $50, believe me~ it is worth the price!
As I have previously said, I usually don't expect to get gifts at Christmas, so this year, I would have to say that I made out like a bandit. LOL
It hasn't felt like Christmas, because I live in tropical weather. Everyday has been HOT, but Christmas weekend brought some cold temperatures. I love snuggly weather, even if it is just snuggling by myself! =.)
On Christmas Day, I decided to bake the turkey to keep the house warm, but I have been feeling so sick ~ congested, coughing~ that I hadn't gone to the store. I didn't have any bread to prepare the cornbread stuffing, and I didn't have enough margarine or milk to make some mashed potatoes, and I ran out of rice, also, so I had no idea what I was going to make for dinner. I did have some Valley Ruby Red Grapefruit and Oranges that my friend Noe gave me earlier this month, so I dissected the grapefruit and oranges and added a can of tropical fruit. The top of the oven wasn't working, so I didn't bother to make a cake or a pie. Parts of me are still wanting something sweet!!!
It is a good thing that my mother and brother didn't show up for Christmas, because I didn't have a full meal prepared. Perhaps it was a blessing from God that they didn't show up, because I wasn't looking forward to my mother's negativity on Christmas Day.
I didn't do much on Christmas Day, except put the ornaments on my tree, cook the turkey, watch Grey's Anatomy, and wrap my mother's and my brother's gifts. My J-Land friend was shocked that I hadn't put the ornaments on my tree yet. She doesn't work and she is at home all day, so I can understand how she would have her home all prettied up for the Holidays. Me~ I work~ and I work hard, so getting the ornaments up on Christmas day is ok by me!
It was great fun to take out my whimsical fat mermaids and merman ornaments. It was good that I took them out of their box to enjoy them, because I only get to see them during this time of year.
I hope everyone had a great Christmas this year. It is only four days until New Year's Eve. Do you know what your New Year's resolutions will be?!
Saturday, December 16, 2006
When you look at an overweight person, you might not think about malnutrition as a diagnosis, but I was thinking about it when I discovered that a coworker is anemic. How can she be anemic if she is overweight? I do believe that being overweight can be a symptom of malnutrition.
I have many physical challenges, primarily because of a bad car accident and two bad falls, but I also have many broken bones, heart problems, a low functioning thyroid, a hernia close to my heart, high blood pressure, digestive problems, and a low immune system. Still, while a married woman may have the luxury of being sick, a single woman does not. If I don't work, I don't receive a paycheck. It's as simple as that.
When I take a hard look at my own diet, it makes sense that my body is lacking in good nutrition. I am always on the run, full of stress from the everyday challenges of my work and my everyday life. Although I usually try to eat healthy, I overeat, but I still don't consume all of the foods that you are supposed to eat in a day. To pay my bills, I often cut back on my grocery bill. To get to more urgent things, I usually eat whatever is fast or handy. Sometimes, I look at foods that I would like to buy, like fresh strawberries, but they seem too expensive, so I pass them by. I say they are expensive, because for the price, they don't keep. That is why I buy frozen strawberries instead. If I go out to eat, they rarely add vegetables on my plate. I wonder how many Americans qualify french fries as a vegetable.
![]() Experts say that when you get older, there are physiological changes in the sense of taste, poor appetite (often associated with loneliness, social isolation, depression, or medications), physical factors such as absent or ill-fitting dentures, limited ability to procure or prepare food because of musculoskeletal disorders or other disease conditions, and chronic disease. I guess that means that I am not lonely, socially isolated, or depressed. I guess that means that I am not classified as "older." =.)
My mother is thin, because of her dentures. She is embarrassed to eat in front of others and she has to eat foods that are soft. My greatest fear is to have to wear dentures some day. I don't understand why some people don't have their teeth, when all you have to do is drink milk and brush your teeth at least two times a day. Although my teeth are cracked from my car accident, people don't usually notice. I value my smile. I am happy that at 53, I still have all of my own teeth and that I have never had a cavity.
During the Thanksgiving holidays, I visited my Angel and her cherubs. It's funny how a simple gesture like dividing food can bring back so many memories. It brought to mind when my children were little and the hardships of a single parent, trying to feed my children on my small income. I remember praying to God for the food in the pan to stretch enough to provide my children with the nutrition that they needed. I remember having to go hungry so that my children would have something toeat.
An empty nest has put more food into my mouth. Buying groceries for one is just as expensive if you want the variety of the food pyramid. Sometimes, I look at the grocery store and I am at a loss. How can a single person buy nutritious food for one without it being so expensive? Will the day ever come when I walk by the strawberries without looking at the price?
Friday, December 15, 2006
Staff Meeting
![]() We had a presenter today on Anger Management. He walked into the room, and I quickly turned my head. "Oh, no!" I said. "You know him?" they said. "He used to always try to get me to go out with him," I said, blushing as I turned away.
Have you ever been nervous in your life?! I tried not to look at him, but then he commented: (My name)! I didn't see you there. (I was trying really hard to hide behind Patty.) How long has it been? He commented to everybody about my hair. You could tell he still "remembered" me, and then he said, "She's still got it!"
My colleagues were teasing me the whole time. I tried to keep my cool, really I did, but it wasn't easy.
I had planned to sneak out when it was time for us to go to lunch, but he extended his hand out to me and tried to make conversation. I tried to shake his hand, but he held it instead, and then, he said, "It's been six years. Why?" Of course, I didn't want to answer his question, and I quickly said, "I have to go to lunch now." It felt too awkward to stand there with my hand in his while everybody looked on.
Actually, it has been seven years. It's funny that last night, I was thinking about God sending me the right man, a soul-mate, if you will. Is it fate that James should show up? He doesn't even work in this County. God is pretty good about finding me a good parking space, but when it comes to finding me the right man, I am still waiting for God to get it right.
So... yea, I made it through today. I am now officially on vacation. I still have a lot of paperwork to do, but I am officially on vacation. =.) I have a lot of things to do that I normally don't have the time to do. I hope I will be able to do at least a few of the things on my TO DO list. =.)
![]() P. S. The students and I went caroling last night. The students had fun, and so did I. |
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Something That Fits in a Box

Friday, December 8, 2006
Merry Xmas from Texas
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas from The Glass Box! Thanks for the ornament graphic, Sugar!
I see a busy weekend ahead for me. As usual, my TO DO list ends up being a CARRIED FORWARD list. I still haven't decorated for Christmas. I dread having to move the furniture, but I will try to do what I can.
I presented the idea of going carolling to the kids, but only the 6th grade girls and one 7th grade girl wanted to do it. They broke out in song with Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer in Spanish, but not everyone was singing the same words and they couldn't agree on what else they wanted to sing. It was hard enough getting them to pick out a day to do it. I think Monday is too soon, because they are not prepared, but that is the day they chose to do it.
I told them that they need to write down the words so I can make copies, but they still haven't given me anything. We may have to postpone the carolling until next Monday if they don't get their act together. I would be going out of my way to do this next week, though, because I am off next Monday.
So, I right now, I am wondering if I should make that cake that I promised them for the carolling party. Oh well, I guess I can make some frosting, so I can make some flowers for the cake.
Tuesday, December 5, 2006
Tree Fever
![]() I see everybody is busy putting up their Xmas trees and decorating their homes for the holidays. I look at that little corner of my living room where the tree should go, and then, I think that I need to move the furniture to make it look right, and then, I sit down. LOL...
Do I really want to decorate for Xmas? I wasn't in the holiday spirit last year. I haven't really been in a holiday spirit for many years, but maybe if I do decorate, I will finally get that holiday spirit.....
I dropped by my "friend's" produce shed after work today to pick up some free Texas citrus~ oranges and ruby red grapefruit~ so I can put together a Xmas goodie bag for the kids. As usual, he kept staring at me, and told me he has everything I want. (Blush)
Monday, December 4, 2006
Unlock My Heart
I called the maintenance department today to check on the status of my work order and to see when they would be sending someone to unlock my filing cabinet. Well, guess what! The locksmith showed up. He said the vice principal never sent in a work order for my filing cabinet. Why would she lie and tell me that it takes a long time for them to come out to fix anything, knowing that she never put in a work order? I have been waiting for two months for nothing?!
Thank you so much to all my precious angels who said a prayer for me today! My filing cabinet has been opened! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!!!
I had a pretty busy day so I didnt meet with the principal, and the principal didnt look for me, so that part is still hanging.
As for the paperwork, the locked filing cabinet has set me way behind, but I still have a lot of services to handwrite and I am still waiting to get approved so that I can start inputting information into the computer from August to December.
Tomorrow will be another full day. I delivered most of the calendars today, but I still have a few calendars to deliver. I have about four groups scheduled, and I have the names of about seven or eight kids to try to recruit into the program. On top of that, I have a lot of organizing and filing to do, especially since I will be going from a four drawer cabinet to a two drawer cabinet. I hope I can find a place to put everything.
Need prayer today
Please say a little prayer for me today...
1). A student locked my filing cabinet at work and there is no key. (I've been waiting for two months already.)
2). The principal wants to talk to me today about my projects. It's always scary to speak to the principal, even as an adult. She never smiles.
3). I have to reapply for access to our computer program. (Fourth try)
4). I'm running behind in my paperwork.
Win =.)
Saturday, December 2, 2006
J-Land Visiting