Weight: 177 lbs. Seventeen months after my last weigh-in, I have only gained 1/2 a pound, but I havent lost any weight, either! All of that time is showing on my waist. I have "waisted" too much time! The Woman in the Glass Box seems almost faded now. She looks at me and asks: How much more time must I wait, my lady?
And yet, I must confess that my waistline was so much bigger last month. Drinking milk appears to be helping to bring an indention into my waistline and my clothes dont fit as tight. I hate not being able to breathe in my own clothes.
Being on a diet for so long just made me give up. My body cried for a break from dieting. Is two years a long enough break?!! Why is it so hard to get motivated this time?
Reading through my old entries, I am disappointed that all the hours I spent putting pretty pictures into my journal was in vain, because most of them are gone. Reading through other weightloss journals has been helping me to feel a little more motivated, but what will happen when I open the refrigerator door?
And the Woman in the Glass Box asks: How much more time must I wait, my lady?
Win =.)
177 lbs to me would be a happy ME. I am so fat. I try to be motivated and take pills and drink water and then i go off the diet and stay obese. Losing weight has to be the hardest thing EVER. I like reading your journal....good luck.
Bless your heart, QueenieMart. You have a Mona Lisa smile and you are as sweet as can be. Thank you for admiring my fat. Someday you will be just as fat as me. ha ha... It never ceases to amaze me that no matter how fat we think we are, there is always someone out there who wishes they looked like us! Remember that I am not even five feet tall and that I am 52 years old. Whoa... what a battle we have up ahead, but in the end, it will all be worth it, because we are worth it!
Thanks for leaving a comment in my journal. It is always nice to find a new journal. You asked a question in my journal, about when I wanted to have a child, before or after weightloss. I have been trying for six years to get PG ~ I have been through lots of tests, drugs, and trying to conceive for so long. If it happens ~ it happens... Thanks for your comment. I am excited to get to know you more. Dondie
(((Win))) Thanx for telling me about the closet. LOL I'm usually a very good speller and in school I always came in 1st or 2nd place in the spelling bees. The older I get, the more it seems I have to 2nd guess what I'm spelling out and sometimes have to write it out to see if it looks right. Oh, how I wish I was 177 lbs. I havent' seen that number since jr. high school. I think milk did the opposite on me. Up until 5 yrs. ago, I used to drink between 1/2 gallon to a 3/4 of a gallon a day! I know this may sound crazy but I once brought it up to my dr about my usage. I told him I could not go a day without drinking it cuz it feels like I'm having withdrawals. Now that I'm researching natural foods, I know why! I know it had alot to do with my weight. I now drink no more than 8 ozs. a day. How did I stop drinking so much? I went to NYC with my sister for 10 days so she could get a butt lift & that was the minimum we had to stay. We were stuck in a hotel room most of the time and we had brought a big cooler so we wouldn't spend alot on eating out. We did go out to eat a few times and went touring NYC which was a mistake for her. She was super sore from just walking around. I tried to tell her it would be a mistake but she couldn't stand being cooped up. I was going out alot to the library to read emails, etc. But for some reason, I wasn't craving it out there and that was a record for me. When we came home, I just started drinkling only 8 ozs. a day. I don't consider losing weight being on a diet. It's a lifestyle change that we have to live with the rest of our lives. Diets are temporary and generally don't work. At least you have been maintaining and not gaining and that really is an accomplishment. That's a good thing. Hugs, Dana
http://journals.aol.com/rainy35/Road To Success
Oh, I forgot to answer your question. I'm not exactly sure what my SIL is taking. She showed me but I've got a bad memory. It's best to see a homeopathic dr. or to talk to someone at the health food store who can recommend what would be good for you. She didn't see a homeopathic dr. She talked to someone at the health food store. Hugs, Dana
Winn, good to see ya back on track!!! I am joining Weight Watchers today and I look forward to losing weight with YA!!!
I'm happy you are feeling like you can go forward and finish your journey......you must feel very renewed! I know the feeling of growing weary being on a "diet" and no matter how many times I try and convince myself that it's a "life change"......it's still a diet!! LOLOLOLOL!!! There are moments I feel like I can't count another point.....seriously, like if I do, I will kill the next person I see who is thin! :) But then I take a day or two of reflection, and I think about how much better my quality of life will be with this weight off and it helps me to go forward. On each step in this journey we aquire wisdom and lessons to take with us, so even though we may not be there yet, it is all making you...."you", a very unique and special lady.
Pooh Hugs,
Just had to comment that I am so proud of you Win and all those reading this who are also working so hard to lose. I feel bad for your sadness. Are you in the NY area?
I just lost 32 pounds and restructured my body.... I used a product called FIT that suppresses your appetite, works on stored fat, builds lean muscle and gives you energy to move more and eat less. Check out geldocs.com and look up FIT or check out webcasts and listen to the medical advisory board describe it. Contact me for more details.
Good luck everyone
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