Friday, July 9, 2004



Seems that I have gotten lost in the shuffle and few people have noticed that I havent been journaling. LOL...Not surprised.  

In spite of God's words of comfort, I have been a bad girl. This back problem makes me feel discouraged. It is the hardest challenge I have had to face in my weightloss journey. I can ignore all my other illnesses, but this one takes me completely...not a good thing. And so, I get discouraged, and I go back to my old habits. Ughhh... if I do that, I will be right back where I started. Cant let that happen!

I was accepted by Workman's Comp and went to see Dr Owen who has referred me back to Fortino. Fortino teaches the McKenzie method of pain control which is a series of exercises. (Well it makes me keep exercising! That's a good thing!) Fortino is such a sweet guy. Makes me see that there are still some good guys left in the world.


                                  Viv and Tracy,

        thanks so much for checking up on me. I treasure you both.


Anonymous said...

Glad your still journaling...was beginning to wonder where my Win had gone. Missed reading your posts! There are still great guys out there ... I have had mine by my side for over 10 years now. The key is to not look for them, let God send them your way.

Anonymous said...

Win, I'm glad you're back.  And I'm glad about the workmans comp.  It will help.  I hope your Dr. can help you with your pain, and I'll continue to say my prayers for you.  BTW...Is the Dr. single?

Anonymous said...

{{{{{{{{{ Win }}}}}}}}}}

So good to see you back...and that is good news about Workman's Comp.  
