Sunday, July 25, 2004

The Power of the Mind

I can deal with a lot of things, but when my health fails me, I get discouraged. When I get discouraged, I dont pay attention to what I am eating or how much I am eating.

It has been said that goals are 90% mental and 10% physical, and I believe that. That is why my journal also focuses on my feelings and my thoughts. Concentration is the final conditioning to win. Without it, the best diet in the world and all the modern training techniques and high-tech equipment in the world wont mean sh**.  

When I was at my worst health, when I died and came back to life, when I broke all those bones in my body, I never gave my mind the opportunity to feel discouraged. The power of my mind helped me to focus on bettering myself and my situation so that I could return to being a single parent and a productive person in my community. Even Job didnt give up in the face of adversity.

I know how to eat. What's my problem?! How can overeating help my cause?! Me.. the superhero... she who fights for the underdog, she who fights for good causes... surely, I, too, am a good cause to fight for!

Take off your sackcloth and put on the full armor of God! Dare to believe that impossible things are happening everyday and that this quest was mine even before I asked for it. God is waiting with open hands. All I have to do is to be willing to receive it.

No need to be afraid of being beautiful and fit. If you dont deal with this right now, you never will! No need to worry about how others will react to your weightloss. No need to fear the many "friends" you will lose. No need to fear intimacy. No need to fear being hurt again. No need to fear being a failure. No need to fear being a success, either! You owe this to yourself: to be fit instead of fat. You have come such a long way already.

DONT YOU GIVE UP! Observe your strengths and your weaknesses. Knowing them can mean the difference between victory and defeat, for to save a life in defeat is to earn victory and honor within...

Center yourself. Thought and action must be one. There can be no hesitation. Put your mind somewhere else. Let the pain go. Let the pain go. There is no pain...There is no pain...

Surveys of thin people show that thin people do not diet. They usually gain weight during special events, but all they dont go on a diet. They continue eating what they love, but they cut back and dont eat as much until they get back down to what they used to weigh.

The difference between thin people and overweight people is that thin people overeat on special occasions but overweight people overeat every day.

Did you know that yo-yo dieting is actually good for you? The thing is this:

Extra weight adds stress to your heart. Every pound of fat requires your heart to pump a mile of blood a day, so if you lose 30 lbs, that's 30 miles of blood that your heart doesnt have to pump. When you are overweight, that blood is also denser and denser blood has more cholesterol and fatty acids which also puts stress on your heart. So even if you regain all 30 lbs, your heart has had a chance to rest and your body is healthier for it than if you never lost it at all. Today, focus on NOT OVEREATING.

Winning is not a some time thing. Winning is an all time thing. We dont win once in awhile. We dont do the right thing once in awhile. We do the right thing all of the time. Winning is a habit; unfortunately, so is losing.    ~ Vince Lombardi

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