I find myself buried deep within The Glass Box, stressed out from all the work that I have yet to do...
Yesterday, the parental involvement person left the parent surveys in my box for me to do them and return them to her by today. I was out all day yesterday until about 6:30 in the evening, trying to complete them. I couldn't find one of the parents because the address and the phone numbers are incorrect. The man who lived there said he has been there for at least two years. (The student gave me that address in September.) When I spoke to the student today, it was clear that she doesn't want me to know where she lives. She did not have the right phone number and she couldn't or wouldn't even draw me a map so I could find her mother so that she could complete the forms. To top it off, my boss scolded me for about 20 minutes, because the parental involvement person was supposed to have done them herself.
Not my fault! Hello!!! I didn't have that kind of time to waste on a scolding...
So then, my boss was upset because I haven't been able to do the student surveys. Many of the students were not even in the system. (Again~ not my fault!! Working on it!!!) Unfortunately, they are due by Friday, and Friday, I have a meeting. Many of the kids were testing today and more will be testing tomorrow. That's another obstacle. Still, I have completed 17 surveys already. I think there are about 35 more to go. I think I will be able to meet the deadline... if the kids can get into the site.
Third project due this week: my numbers. I need to have 100 students by Friday. That means I needed to get about 30 new students in the program this month. I need about six more to get there~ and one, I cannot enter into the computer because I accidentally typed her SSN under a different student. The error was reported in January, but Austin has not corrected the error and I really doubt if they will.
Project four is my data entry. I have been too busy trying to complete these three projects, that I haven't even touched it... That means I will need to go in on Saturday to see if I can catch up a little. Why do they wait til the last minute and then expect us to do everything at once?!!@# Oh, well... that is LIFE...

With all this stress and deadlines to meet, trying to diet is like trying to commit suicide. It ain't gonna happen, my friend. Might as well forget about it! BUT... I figured that I can at least try to add exercise to my day a few days a week... and so, I did. Last week, I started doing waist exercises for a few minutes before I headed out to work. That's it, just a few waist exercises. Little steps...
Last week, my waist measured at 41.5 inches. My goodness! That is almost as wide as I am tall. The truth hurts... Yesterday, I was surprised that my waist measured at 38 inches. If I can lose at least two inches on my waistline per week, I will be at a good place by my birthday, but even if I only lose one inch per week, it would make me happy...
Will I be able to get through these deadlines at work AND continue doing my exercises in the morning? Will I be able to lose at least eight more inches from my waistline?! Even if I do not lose weight, it would be nice to have a smaller waistline.

(Marilyn Monroe posing as Betty Page.)
What a day you had! Whew! :o( Very stressfull. I don't like to hear when people get scolded for something thats not their fault. :o( I'm so sorry. Hang in there. It sounds like you're doing a good job with your waistline. ;o) Sending you good vibes. :o)
It never rains without it pours so the saying goes.You sound to have lots on your plate just now.Do what you can when you can and knowone can expect more.You have done your best.I hope things become a little easier for you.As for the waistline,This is something I have always been blessed with over my yrs a good one.Up until last August lets say,and it has now rocketed.I must say I am only tiny in stature too and It did make me look to have some shape.Now no .This is so hard to get my head around. I have tried everything from cuuting down on my portions of food.Differant diets.Eaten little and more often.You name it I have tried almost everything .Excersize doesn't even seem to be working either and it stresses me out too.What are we like us woman.LOL.Suppose when I read of all the illnesses that are with us in J/Land,and the sick people that are about, I have decided at least I have tried and I am healthy to a certain extent.So I am me now and thats what I feel I shall be for the future.Oh by the way your journal is quite spread and the last few words of each line are unreadable they are missing.Try deleating any wide graphics you have in or making them less of a large size.This should take the journal back to it's correct readable size.Many have had this problem by inserting too large a graphic in there postings.Take care God Bless Have a good day.
Astoriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES
Oh wow you had me out of breath just reading what you have to do. You can only do your best. I have a feeling it will come together for you it always does in the end. And the person who gave you a scolding should be ashamed of them selfs. 20 minutes and them going on and on like a peace of toilet paper, gosh your ears must have been ringing by the end of that.Sorry you had to go through it.
love and hugs
Hi Win,
Your job sound's as stressful as mine. I just hate getting up in the morning and going to work because it is the same thing day after day and doesn't get any easier and of course there is no one to help me with my work load and that is just the half of it. Hope things get better for us but in my case I am not holding my breathe.
Kat / Kuhlhiggins
Remember me??
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