Saturday, August 11, 2007


I woke up at about 5:30 this morning, but I had to search for my walking clothes, because I stopped walking when the weather decided not to cooperate with my walking schedule. It seemed that everytime I wanted to go out to walk, it would rain. It didn't rain in the middle of the summer heat~ no, it waited until I wanted to go out the door! So I didn't walk for awhile, and then, I got out of the habit. Well, not today!

I started my day with a morning walk, but I was a bit disappointed, because it didn't seem like my usual walk. The birds were not singing and there was no moon in the sky. And then, the sun showed up ~ immediate tropical heat wave! I had to come back into the apartment.

It was only 7 a.m. What happened? How could it be so hot so early in the day? The news said that the humidity is up to 100%, so the temperature feels much hotter than the usual 100 degrees. Oh, Micky, where are you with that little cube of ice?!



Anonymous said...

You poor thing. I can handle heat but not high humidty. I'm sorry your walk got ruined. Hope tomorrow is much cooler.

Anonymous said...

I know it has been horrible here too! Walk later in the evening when it is cooler.