Sunday, August 5, 2007

First Impressions

Appearance is so important when you are looking for a job. The way your clothes fit is important, because your body language leaves the impression that you are self-disciplined and confident. Looking good in your clothes also gives you more variety, because you can wear more colors, instead of only basic black. This leaves the impression that you are versatile and organized.

I have been eating lots of mini meals throughout the day, so I am surprised that I have lost another inch from my waist. From what I remember, my waist was at 44 inches at its largest. Now, my waistline measures at 37 inches.

 According to Dr. Oz, weight is not as important as your waist measurement, so I am taking out my tape measure once more and hiding my scale for awhile.

  Rachel Ray says that she does not own a scale and that when she goes to the doctor, she tells the doctor that she does not want to know how much she weighs. (I wonder if she stands backwards on the scale so she won't see the numbers or if she covers her eyes when the nurse is measuring.) Rachel says that as long as she can zip up her pants, she is doing fine.

Most of the skirts and pants in my closet are a size 12. That means that my waistline has to be at 30 inches in order for me to fit into them.

This is scary:

         Size 20: waist 37 ~~~ Size 12: waist 30

How accurate are the measurements in the charts? According to my previous doctor, when I was weighing in at 146 lbs (a size 4 in stretch jeans), I should have been 6'5' and playing on the NBA team.

I wonder how much taller I should be at this weight. Yesterday, I got into a pair of size 12 pants. (Strange)... So why don't I fit into the skirts in my closet?!!#

Not all clothes measure the same, so how do you know what will fit your body?!!!!#

Another important factor in your appearance is your hair. 

I have Botticelli hair which sounds wonderful, but with the summer heat and humidity, it has been screaming for help. I had a good talk with God about my hair (Yes, he listens to everything!) and I prayed all the way to the bookstore about it. I walked into the bookstore, and without help from a store assistant, God directed me to the right book immediately! I love it when He does things like that. I read the book, cover to cover, as soon as I got it home... turning back the pages to study the instructions in detail. I cannot believe that after only one day, my hair looks so much better.

Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for; it is a thing to be achieved. ~ William Jennings Bryan


Anonymous said...

Now that is weird.  My skirts always fit me more than pants in the same size.  Great job on losing those inches!

Anonymous said...

hello winivere, how are you doing? i read your blog and i agree that yes, God does listen to everything. he knows our needs even before we know them ourselves. isn't that wonderful? have a good day. blessings for your family, angelia

Anonymous said...

First, that autumn fairy on the right bottom I recognize. I had that on my webpage a number of years ago & I love it. Good choice!

Second, a number of years ago the designers started to change the sizes because they thought women could not handle it & our population has been gaining so much so today's 14 is like yesterdays 18! Ugh! I agree with Dr. Oz & Rachel Ray, I just close my eyes...unfortunately now they are giving a printed report of what is prescribed, bp, temp & weight! Ugh!  I too feel the same way, what do I fit in AND how do I I have lots of energy, can I walk & shop all day or go to the zoo etc all day & not be tired. Are my joints hurting me? Usually, I sleep better (no snoring) and stomach isn't a problem as much etc. Just so many signs really that one is not at their optimal health.

Lastly, you are going to tell us your hair is great & not tell us the hoo! Mine just frizzed up with the humidity tonight! UGH!!!!!