Sunday, October 15, 2006

Hugs not Drugs

The picture above is of the winner of an anti-drug poster contest in another state. There was another girl who also won first place, but I love the colors in this little boy's poster. The poster is cute, but the message is clear.

We rehearsed for the anti-drug skit from 7 a.m. to 7:40 a.m. every morning last week. The kids are loving it, and I am so proud of them for coming in before school to rehearse. They are all doing so well. If all goes well, we will be videotaping the skit by Thursday or Friday of this week.

This weekend, I went to buy the white shirts for the drugs and the bushes for the trees. We still need to make the signs for the drugs. We will have to have a dress rehearsal before we videotape to see how it looks. It might add to the impact to paint the drugs faces white.

In group, we are talking about self-esteem. The kids are scrapbooking and learning about themselves. Like the Karate Kid, they don't know where this is heading. They just think it is something to do, but the lesson comes later when we put it all together.

P.S. As for the diet, I am eating whatever I want, and I am not denying myself of any food.

Denial only makes me want it more. "Dieting" only makes me want to eat more. Eating less makes my body think I am starving myself.

Dang! So instead of "dieting" by eating less, I am trying to add more fiber, more nutrition, and more fish to my diet. And as for exercise, I am learning how to dance Salsa on Thursdays, and I am doing exercises for my waistline.

I didnt get excited when the weatherman said we would be getting a cold front. As expected, we didnt get a cold front at all. And then, he said we were under a flood watch. It is hard to have a flood watch when there is no rain. What gives with the weathermen these days?!!#@


Anonymous said...

Just came by to say hi!
Hugs, Sugar

Anonymous said...

What a great campain !  Good luck with the whole thing!

Anonymous said...

Im very anti drugs so i applaude what you are doing, well done. The poster is really good, i hope you get the msg across to the kids, if just one child says no to drugs, then you have done good. Im the same with dieting i tend to binge eat at weekends, i used to strict diet then all my hard work fell by the wayside i just thought giving my self a day off wont hurt, urm yeah it did lol it was a waste of time going on the diet, healthy eating is deffo the way to go. good luck

Anonymous said...

Sounds good Win.!!!  Users ARE losers. It is great to see you all
spreading the info around!!  I wish I could see the kids at work.
----Your eating program sounds like a winner!
---Love, MARY  

Anonymous said...

Hi there, congrats on your jland nomination. we're nominated under the same category.

I love that poster that little boy made, so creative. The message is so clear and I couldn't agree more!!!

Shermeen xx

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your nomination is very much deserved! Your anti drug message sounds awesome and I'm sure it will stay with your students forever.
I'm glad you are finding peace with your food, it may take us a lifetime to do that....but we will have victory and we're going to dance together in our new skinny bodies :)

Pooh Hugs,