Sunday, October 9, 2005

Adventures in Seafood

I was very surprised to be approached by the guy who works in the Seafood department at Wal-Mart. I was surprised because he is the second guy from the Seafood department who has approached me! The other guy is no longer working there and I have never seen this guy before. We got to talking and he likes to go fishing in Rockport. Rockport is where I lived before I came here. He is single and he knows how to cook and he is heterosexual. Whatsmore, he doesnt care if a woman is thin or fat or if she is pretty or not, but it is important to him that a woman be able to handle a real life conversation. He said that I am the first woman who has made him laugh in a long time and he thanked me for it. He is only 36, but he sounds pretty responsible, because he is buying a house and paying on a new car. He also has a landscaping business. How can someone so responsible exist in the Valley? Is he the needle in the haystack? I promised myself that I would not date anyone under 40. Should I give him a chance?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
