Tuesday, February 1, 2005



Imagine this lady. Imagine working with this lady and having her criticize you everyday. It's like having my mother at work! Ughhh... what's her problem?! Need to confront her.

The skies are gray and it's been cold and wet for the past few days, so I havent forced myself to go for a walk, esp since I still have this respiratory infection, but I've already completed my antibodics. Wonder if the doctor will make me take a third dose?! Dont plan to go see him yet, because my budget is kind of tight right now.

As for my eating habits.. well, I am making better choices, but I still get so hungry during the day and I am snacking too much at night. I know cooking for one is not fun, but gotta do it! Need to make a grocery list of what I will eat at the office and what I will eat at home.





Maxine Presents The Crabbiest Of Crabby Road: Observations Guaranteed to Help You Learn to Your Attitude Problem, Too!

by: John M Wagner - Shoebox Greetings - Chris Brethwaite




Anonymous said...

Love the picture of the old broad!  I feel that way sometimes.  I need to read the journal of yours because I too have body pain.  I know that someone else is walking and feeling these things and still living and I have no excuse--no excuse unless I just can't move. Sending GOOD VIBS!!!!!

--Love Mary

Anonymous said...

ugh,,a mom at work? I guess I am lucky that I work with 5 men.

Anonymous said...