Friday, February 18, 2005

Peter Loiselle

Peter Loiselle before

Meet Peter Loiselle. Peter's weight limited his life to his home and his job as a middle school teacher. His wakeup call came with a health scare. If he didnt lose the weight, he ran the possibility of losing his leg or losing his life. 

Peter lost 500 lbs without drugs and without surgery. His weightloss plan consisted of making better food choices, setting a limit to his daily caloric intake, and exercise. Unfortunately, his rapid weight loss presented yet another problem: three feet of excess skin and fatty tissue.Peter had to have surgery to remove this excess skin.

Peter in surgery

When Peter weighed 763 lbs, his waistline measured 83 inches. The picture below is how Peter looks today.

Peter, Bob Greene and Oprah

Wow! Doesnt Peter look hot?!! I am sure that after this transformation, Peter's life will never be the same. Peter's story is a story of hope.

Like me, Peter was trapped in a Glass Box. I do not know what put him there, but the Glass Box does not discriminate.

It doesnt matter if you are a man or a woman. It doesnt matter if you are pretty or not. It doesnt matter what color your skin is. It doesnt matter if you are a Christian or a Jew. The Glass Box does not discriminate. The Glass Box can imprison any one of us. 

Peter's story is a wakeup call for me to pay more attention to the people around me who are trapped in their own Glass Box. Peter's "after" makes me realize that the man of my dreams might be trapped in his "before."

Story taken from Oprah's Weight Loss Plan show:


Anonymous said...

Wow, he is a totally different person. This should be a wakeup call to many. thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Win.....he really did make a change in his life and I'm sure that his health is much improved.  Your posts always inspire me.  My last post in my journal was me griping about my own situation.  I should do what Peter has done and just get on with it.  Thank you, Win.