Friday, March 17, 2006

The LUCK of the IRISH


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   Happy St. Patrick's Day

Dont Miss Your OPPORTUNITY to get PINCHED today.

Where did the week go? I cant believe it's Friday already. If you are Irish, send a little of that magic my way so that I can get through the first pages of this weightloss chapter, for the first pages are always the hardest.

Behind every addiction is a story. ~ Tyler Perry (aka Madea)

Most drug addicts cannot leave drugs cold turkey. Their body needs time to adjust to living without drugs. As hard as it is for drug addicts to leave drugs, it is harder for the dieter to lose weight, because the human body needs to continue to eat to survive.

Most people think that in order to lose weight, a person needs to starve themselves and exercise more until the weight comes off. If we are gentle with drug addicts, why cant I be more gentle with myself when it comes to food? My body also needs time to adjust to this life change. Sometimes, when we try to do things in a hurry, it doesnt get done and/or we get further behind.


Today, I will be gentle with myself. I will eat, but I will try to be more patient with myself by making my eating conscious.

Win  =.)


Anonymous said...

HeyWin! I love the picture of the little girl above.  It's just darling.  I wish you the very best on your diet and I will pray for you as well.  Keep us posted!  I know you will do good.  Now, if some of your goodness will rub off on me!  Jo

Anonymous said...

I know what your saying about us being patient and understanding of Alcohol and othter drug users--we do need to have the same understanding of ourselves!
-------As Russ said to me, " It is not LUCK --it is GOD that we are needing!"  
---------Hang in and Hang on here comes the GOOD TIMES!!
------------Granny Hugs to Ya, MARY

May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. The rain falls soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

-An Irish blessing for a journey