Dear Diary,
I returned from my Summer Vacation to find this beautiful graphic in my Email box. Thanks so much for the birthday gift, Kathi. I love it! Unfortunately, I have not been able to attach it to my journal. What's the trick?!
As for my vacation, well, it just doesnt seem fair that a hurricane shows up on your birthday. Needless to say, my vacation did not turn out as planned, and it seems that the weather continues to be a threat with the creation of even more storms in the Gulf.
My pregnant daughter was very hurt that I wasnt able to visit. My beloved, protective son-in-law wrote me a nasty email in reprimand, acusing me of being selfish, not showing up because of a little rain and "making excuses not to visit." Harsh!
It was touching that my friends were disappointed that I wasnt able to visit. As expected, my mother didnt show up for my birthday. She always forgets, or perhaps this year, she just didnt want to show up. I dont have a lot of people in my life who care about me, but it is nice to know that there are some people in my life who do!
I spent most of my vacation with the mechanic. I was disppointed that I wasnt able to make it to Cake Decorating class because of car problems. It's funny how I never left home, but ended up spending a whole paycheck on my vacation. Sad!
A client suggested renting The Notebook and The Diary of a Mad Black Woman. The Notebook was a touching love story, but I didnt find it necessary to watch it more than once.
My favorite of the two was The Diary of a Mad Black Woman, a story of a woman who finds herself after her husband literally throws her out of his life. I loved this movie and watched it several times, because I found myself reflecting on a great number of the lines...
Catharsis: a form of emotional cleansing first defined by the Greek philosopher Aristotle. The act of giving expression to deep emotions often associated with events, in the individual's past which have never been adequately expressed.
The writer and actor of The Diary of a Mad Black Woman (Tyler Perry) talks a lot about catharsis on the making of this movie. It's incredible how it only takes one person to make a difference in someone's life. In Tyler Perry's case, as in so many others, that inspiration to express himself in writing came after watching Oprah Winfrey. I love Oprah. I would love to meet her one day. This year, it has been so hard for me to find inspiration. What do you do when inspiration stops coming? How do you stay motivated? Sometimes I feel like I am in the dark.
The word catharsis brings back a lot of fun memories of my college days and how we laughed over the word catharsis, especially because one of my classmates had a huge crush on me.
Every room in this house
holds a painful memory
for me.
~ The Diary of a Mad Black Woman
When you dream of rooms in a dream, the rooms signify different parts of your life. How many rooms of painful memories are in my Glass House oflife? Although the Walls are made of Glass, they are stillWalls, walls that help me to guard what is left of my tragically broken heart from further abuse. The Walls of Glass have become my unseen Walls of Protection. Yes, I continue to be in the Glass Box, because I am still afraid. In picking up the pieces of my broken heart, it is of the outmost importance for me to identify the painful memories in every room, because if I dont face what they are, how can I close the doors to every room? This was an "ah ha" moment for me to discover that the Glass Box that I have created for myself has more than one room, but how many rooms does it have?!#
How do I start?
Where do I begin?
I've been hurt so much.
I just need a friend.
Could it be you?
Will you break through these walls?
Are you willing to help make them fall?...
Oh, my mind says No, but my body says Yes!
~ The Diary of a Mad Black Woman...
Love this song. I may have to buy the soundtrack.
It's so easy to say NO sometimes, just out of fear. Lord, it is so sad that my heart has been broken in so many pieces that I have ceased to believe in fairytales. To find a man who can be that knight in shining armor, the one who can love me past the pain... hummm... Most men do not have the patience...
You do not have a weight problem. You have issues that you have not resolved that keep you overweight. ~ Oprah Winfrey
The graphic above is from one of my favorite calendars. If you want to buy it, it is available on
I need to stop thinking about what I have lost. Most days, I dont want to get out of bed, but I do. Some people say "one day at a time." It's too long for me. Most days all I can do is "moment to moment. ~ The Diary of a Mad Black Woman
Carrying you in my Spirit,Win =.)
Daily journal writing in the Glass Box and in the Silver Platter has become too time consuming. I need time to exercise and to do other things. Therefore, the Glass Box will feature weekly entries and The Silver Platter will track my daily progress. Thanks for visiting!
I am sorry that your vacation wasn't the best. I want to see the Diary of a Mad Black Woman. I just keep forgetting to rent it when I am out.
I still can't see the tag that I sent you.
Too frustrating trying to add the tag. There has to be a trick. Please send instructions on how to copy a tag from an email.
Welcome back!
Vacations never turn out as planned. Not from my experience at least.
Sorry that you are sad:*(
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