Love this tag... I think it came out pretty good... maybe good enough to share?!#
I must admit that my worries continue to show up in my eating habits... or are my eating habits showing up in my worries?! Hummm... makes sense either way!
No exercise for moi this week... I know... I know...
In order to achieve Good Health, the body needs movement! But sometimes, my body just wants to chill...
The FULL MOON showed up on Wednesday and I almost missed it... I had planned to do a fast on the 20th, but I completely forgot that the full moon was scheduled to arrive this week... I must try to pay more attention to the things that are important to moi...
The night of the 20th, the sky was so cloudy... The moon would peek through the clouds every now and then, but it was such a small moon... I wonder why... I went outside and sat down on the sidewalk as the wind blew through my hair... I gazed at the moon and recited my evening prayers before I went inside to go to bed... It felt almost as good as when I used to sit on the roof and gaze at the stars and talk to God in my childhood...
BUT... My EATing habits do continue to be a challenge... I am doing better with Breakfast and Lunch... but when I get home, I swallow my food whole, and then, I look around to see where it went... and because my food did a mysterious disappearing act, I keep on swallowing food whole until about 7:30 p.m.
I am NOT an ANIMAL!!
OMGGG... Well, at least I have developed a cut-off time to stop EATING, but HOW to tame the savage BEAST within moi?!#


God is GREAT
God is GOOD...
God will help me
to be

Blessed are the FLEXIBLE
For they SHALL NOT
Be BENT out of SHAPE.

Hillary showed up twice in the Valley but Obama didn't show up until Friday... Daniel said that when she showed up at the University campus in Corpus Christi, she was wearing the same yellow suit she wore the last time she was there, but the kids were not paying attention to her speech, because they occupied themselves texting each other instead. (lol)... I think Daniel is tired of her yellow suit... I was also surprised to hear him say that she has a big butt...

So naturally, I was anxious to see how the people of the Valley would react to the candidates, especially since all I have been hearing on the news and in the newspapers is that Hillary is a friend of the Valley and that everyone should vote for her... Hello, people... We have a CHOICE!
I even got a phone call at work from the Hillary campaign. Eowwww! I told her that I was not voting for Hillary and the girl seemed speechless... It took her a good while to hang up as if she was in shock or something...
I was surprised to hear that over 5,000 people showed up at the local University campus to hear Obama's speech on Friday... especially after that horrible "debate" that Hillary tried to control on Thursday... Hillary is so hateful, so bitter, and so controlling... Thank God that Obama was a gentleman in his responses and that it was his efforts that kept the "debate" civil...

P.S... As per READER's comment... I cannot say if I am enjoying my job yet or not... My job is still in the beginning stages... setting up for when the cases start coming in... I have been worried because I signed a contract that they can get rid of moi anytime they want (which is typical of most jobs but after taking so long to find this one, it is a bit scary). Also, there has been a problem with communication with the Boss. She is in SA and I have been all alone at the job these past two weeks... I do not know if she will be there on Monday but I don't think she will be back until March. I think I am trying too hard to do a good job and in the process, I am messing up... I don't want to mess up...
Another problem is money troubles. I only got paid for a few days, because I was hired in the middle of the pay period. Unfortunately, I bought groceries and the medium-priced toilet paper and a new wand of mascara...
A total stranger tried to help me out by sending me a check but her check bounced. I am worried for this stranger who tried to do a kindness out of the goodness of her heart and I am worried for the extra charges that it will entail in both of our accounts... I hope the checks I made will not bounce, too.
You didnt tell us about your job ,are you enjoying it any better ? ..love Jan xx
Hi there friend. Just take things one by one. You have a job...good....your money is getting better...good....your diet ???...well one day at a time with that as well. Mind you when I do over eat, just as I have done tonight !! I won't worry...maybe just maybe I will be better tomorrow and anyway I should be thankful that I have enough food. Thanks be to God... Have a good week., Try to relax over the weekend. Love Sybil xx
I sure hate to hear that someone sent you a bad check. Surely it was not intentional. I feel for your fight against food. Been there for years now. Really have a great Sunday and praying that this work week will be great for you.
Hugs, Joyce
I'm sorry the check bounced...that is so awful. I'm glad you are having so much fun with the politicians, I can't stomach all the negativity that goes on, so I usually don't listen, but I do research. I'm voting for McCain, but I like Obama a lot and won't be disappointed one bit if he wins. Hilary...NO!
Take your new job one step at a time, until you walk into a good fit....it will happen!
Pooh Hugs,
Good luck curbing those that lurking hunger.
So sorry to hear about the check~YIKES!
I am sure you are doing a really good at the job...it just takes a while to feel comfortable.
hugs, Bethe
I believe God will help you with your eating; just got to keep praying to him for help during those critical times when you are more susceptible to it
take care
Aw, Win, it never ends, does it? A partial paycheck and a check that bounced from someone. I sure hope things level out and this job works out. I'll keep you in my prayers. You are doing super with the tags! Love ya, Chris
Don't feel so bad at yourself for the eating habits at least you have a cut off point ;-)
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