I have been waking up in the middle of the night for about two weeks now... Last night, I woke up in the middle of the night again... but this time, it was because the Lord spoke to me about what to write on the Thank You note...
I woke up early and took a shower... I rewrote what I was going to write on the Thank You card... I was pleased with the words... I looked for the resume that I had on parchment paper and I laid both of them aside so they would be easy to find...
I made some toast and I ate it with a cup of hot chocolate... and then, I got dressed... I was going to wear the jacket that goes to my skirt, but then, I thought that it would be easier to be inconspicuous if I put the rock in my pocket and that jacket does not have pockets, so I pulled out an old cotton jacket instead. My pants were torn in a very bad place, so I had to mend them. Thank God the jacket was long enough to cover the tear... I pressed the jacket and put it on and walked out the door... Thank You card and resume in hand...
I drove to the round building with the glass doors... Before I opened the door, I took the rock out from my pocket, and I touched the door with the rock, claiming the job as mine... I walked through the glass door and asked if Sandra was there... The receptionist told me to go ahead to her office...

Before I knocked on the door, I put the rock on the door and prayed over the door... Then I knocked... Sandra was not in... I was a bit relieved, because I had not called ahead...
I went around the building to the front and told the receptionist that she was not in. I asked her if it would be alright if I slipped something under her door... The receptionist said that would be fine... so I went back to the door and I slipped the Thank You card and my resume under the door...
I returned to the front of the building... I thanked the receptionist, told her to have a great day... and I walked out the glass doors...
After that, I went to church... We had a good service, and I stayed to ask for a blessing...
I had talked with Mari yesterday. I told her that I would come by the employment office today, but she said that she would not be coming in until the afternoon, so I went home to grab something to eat...
It was 1:00 and Mari was still not in... so I left my number and I waited...
The phone rang... It was Roxanne... She was having trouble verifying my employment and my references... She said she had talked to one of my personal references, but she needed to speak with at least two supervisors...
I called Lulu and asked her if she had my ex-supervisor's cell number... She has always chased him, so I was sure that she would... I got the phone number from Lulu and I called Roxanne to leave her his number, but Roxanne was not available, so I left a message...
I called Larry (my ex-supervisor) to tell him that someone might be calling him to ask him about the job when he was my supervisor... and I told him that it might be today... He said that he would give me a good reference...
Then Mari called... I told her that I would have to wait until Monday to come to the employment office, because it looked as if they were checking my references and I wanted to stick around in case they needed more info... Mari said she would be available on Monday...
I was hoping they would not call my previous employer because he always talks off his mouth without thinking... I looked through an old phone and address book and found the number of another supervisor, but I think he is deceased... I had his parents' phone number, so I tried to call them, but there was no answer... I left a message...
Then, I called Santana to see if they had called him. It was already about 4:30 p.m... He said that they had left a message on his voice mail, but he didn't have my phone number and he wanted to talk to me first... I have known him for at least 15 years, probably 20, so he said he would give me a good reference and he would call them right away...
So all this time, I keep praying over my phone... I am sure that I prayed all the day long.... It was almost 5:00... and the only sounds I hear is the tic toc of the clock...
Finally, the phone rang... I thought it might be Santana calling me back... but NO... It was Sandra... I was so afraid that she would say: Thank you so much for applying but we are going with someone else... But NO...
She said that she wanted to formally ask me if I wanted to work for them... or something like that... I was so excited that I don't remember what she said... but I do remember that she said that she was very impressed with our interview... When she said I was hired, I didn't even let her finish her sentence!
So what do you think I told her? Guess... I know you can guess...
I told her YES!!!!
Oh... so happy! I start Monday...
First of all, I thanked God for this wonderful miracle... I got on the phone and I called all my friends and my daughter, too... and now I am on the Internet to thank all of you for praying for me and for claiming this job for me... May the good Lord richly reward you for your kindness and for sticking by me when the chips were down...
Praise the Lord for such glorious news !!!! Congratulations !
I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT. Praise the Lord, He is still in control. Congratulations girlfriend. I couldn't be happier for you. I know how relieved you must be. HE takes care of the faithful and you certainly are.
Hugs and Kisses and Luvs, Joyce
(((((((((Win)))))))) this is wonderful news. I am so happy for you. Now enjoy your weekend, cause come monday it's off to work.
Wow thats cutting it fine, CONGRATULATIONS such good news, you must feel well like your on cloud nine.
Great news good luck for Monday
Yay! Woohoo! Its bout time your miracle came! :) Im so happy for you. *Hugs*
amen!!! so neat you thanked the Lord first!! I hope you have wonderful success in your new job!!
Whoo-Hoo this is fantastic news Winivere and knowone deserves that job more than you.OH I am so so happy for you.You have also won another award.Go to my latest posting and pick it up .Congratulations on your new job.God Is Good.Praise be.Amen.Have a lovely weekend now and relax and enjoy it,As from Monday you will be working and not have very much time to do so.I hope we still get postings from you when you are busy working and you get home,I hope you still can find time.Now go on over and pick up your award from my journal OK!! Take Care God Bless Kath astroriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES
YOUR EXCITED...I'm EXCITED..we are all shouting Thank you Lord that you know it was the right time to reward your dear daughter. Please my dear friend just go easy on Monday try not to try to hard !! taht sounds a bit daft but I have seen more than one new emplyee who has tried so hard she has instantly put off the other employees with her enthusiasim....but reall I am so so HAPPY for you Much Love Sybil xx
Woohoo!! This is gonna be YOUR year! :) Congrats on the new job!! I can't wait to hear all about it.
I am soooooo happy for you!!! I knew that you would get it!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!! -Missy
Well, that is the answer to all your prayers, Win. I am ever so pleased for you {{ }}
Oh Win this news is wonderful I am so very pleased for you now you can go upwards and onwards, lovely! ,...love Jan xx http://journals.aol.co.uk/jeadie05/Serendipity/
I just knew you would get it! Wonderful news. Many congratulations Win.
Your new has made my weekend.
Good luck on Monday! Wooooohoooooo!
Jeanie xxxx
Wonderful news indeed hon! Congratulations on the new job. (Hugs) Indigo
I'm SOOOOO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!! PRAISE GOD!!!!!! BIG HUGS to you!!!
God Bless,
What an incredible day that was! And you end up with a job, now that's wonderful - very happy for you Win. All that effort paid off! CATHY
Winivere, this is so wonderful to hear. I know what it's like to be scraping by and then one day the phone rings. Good luck! I can't wait to read about your new job...
YAY woohoo *doing the happy dance* Win that is such good news xx
whuuuuuuu huuuuuuuuuuuu yeah baby!! I am so happy Win... congrats!
Congratulations!!!! I pray God will bless you through this job. - Barbara
OMGosh I told you it sounded good I don't know any interviews that go on that long. I'm so excited for you because I know you were down to your last chances. Funny how the Lord always provides to those that believe. Congrats!! Congrats!!
Now pray that my daughter finds a job soon in order to care for her and her son. I have been helping her, but it is taking it's toll on me as I am limited on funds. Say a good word for her whenever you're praying.
You won't be able to sleep tonight for being so excited.
Take care and hugs, Chrissie
WOOOOOOHOOOOOOO!!!! Oh Win, I'm doing the happy dance with you and praising God for answered prayers. This is just wonderful news.....absolutely POOHriffic :)
Pooh Hugs,
OMG !!!!! I am soooooo happy for you ! You worked so hard and you are finally gettting rewarded ! I am so relieved that you now have a job. Good luck and I hope you are paid more than your last job.
Whoo hoo, Winivere!!!!!! I'm sooooo happy for you and prayers do get answered. WTG! HUGS Chris
hello winivere, i've just gotten back to read, and i'm so happy for you. how has your week gone? i hope to hear from you soon! blessings, entsala (angelia)
Congratulations!! You'll do well. Smiles, Leigh
Winivere I am so pleased for you, we have been worried about losing you from the group and wishing for your success in finding employment. Hope all goes well for you in your new job.
Hey Girl!! Congratulations! I know I am late getting your good news..I lost your journal, and a couple of others with my transfer to this S/N. Hope the job is going well.....Have you gottenyour first paycheck, yet?
your MIA friend, Bethe
I'm so glad, Win:)
I know, it's been about 2 weeks of work now, and you're figuring it out, but you're smart and caring, and you will make work, work out well for you! I just know it.
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