Painting: The Enchantress (1901) by Arthur Wardle (1864-1949)
Don by Miranda
Quiero Saber Qué Me Pasa.
Te Pregunto Qué Me Pasa Y No Sabés
Qué Contestarme Porque , Claro, De Seguro Te Mareé.
Con Mis Idas Y Vueltas, Te Cansé Con Mi Cámara Lenta.
Y Aunque Trato, Nunca Puedo Apurar Mi Decisión.
En El Preciso Momento
En Que Todo Va Cambiando Para Mí,
En Ese Instante Te Aseguro Que Alguna Señal Te Di.
Pero No Me Escuchaste,
Tal Vez Sin Intención De Tu Parte.
Puede Ser Un Poco Débil El Sonido De Mi Voz.
Oh, Una Mañana Te Veré Llegar,
Y Te Pediré Que Me Acompañes.
A Dónde En Verdad No Sé, Dime Que Sí, Miénteme.
Podría Ser Que Al Final Rompiste El Cristal En Mí.
Podría Pasar Que Me Hagas Hablar.
Yo Creo Que Tienes El Don De Curar Este Mal.
Siento Que Debo Encontrarte
Y Sin Embargo Pasa El Tiempo Yéndome.
Pasé A Mí Mismo, A Mi Centro, Que Jamás Entenderé.
Yo Quisiera Tenerte Y Tratarte De Modo Decente,
Pero Ves Que Ya No Puedo Despegar De Mi Papel.
Deberé Tranquilizarme Y Jugar
Al Juego Que Me Proponés.
Bajo La Guardia, Te Recibo Y Me Abrigo De Tu Piel.
El Destino Me Ha Dado Corazones Desequilibrados,
Tu Palabra Me Nivela Y Detiene Mi Caer.
Oh, Una Mañana Te Veré Llegar,
Y Te Pediré Que Me Acompañes.
A Dónde En Verdad No Sé, Dime Que Sí, Miénteme.
Podría Ser Que Al Final Rompiste El Cristal En Mí.
Podría Pasar Que Me Hagas Hablar.
Yo Creo Que Tienes El Don De Curar Este Mal.
(es Un Solo… Es La Guitarra De Lolo!)
Podría Ser Que Al Final Rompiste El Cristal En Mí.
Abriste Mi Piel, Que Estaba Tan Mal.
Quebraste El Silencio Que Me Hizo Alejar.
Quizás Eres Tú Quien Me Hará Regresar.
Intuyo Que Sabes La Forma Mejor,
Y Tienes El Don Que Requiere Curar Este Mal
I dont get very excited about writing in my journal these days. AOL continues to be so slow and time consuming. I hate those ads in my journal, too, but it looks as if AOL has no intention of getting rid of them. It's a sad, sad thing to think of how little we mean to AOL.
Things at work are still stressful. So much paperwork. The latest word is that they intend to become computerized, so they can see what we are doing at all times. We should be getting training for it on the 13th & 14th. I have no idea why they scheduled trainings on Valentine's day, but then, I dont have a Valentine, so I guess I might as well be at training. Sighhh...
He once told me that I dont have a boyfriend, because I dont want one. I think he thinks that he is too old for me. Everytime he sees me, he takes off his hat and shows me his salt and pepper hair. I think that salt and pepper hair is sexy, but he doesnt need to know that I am two years older than him!
When I was pumping gas today, I noticed what definitely had to be a baby boomer. It's funny how we sometimes get stuck in an era that we stick out like a sore thumb. If I looked for someone my own age, is that all that I would have to choose from? If I wait until I am older, will they look even worse? And once you get past the way the look, they can only talk about beer and partying. Are there any men out there who can hold a good conversation? Are there any men out there who have been taught how to be a gentleman? I am no spring chicken, but where do men get their ideas about the way they behave and the way they dress?! If I turned off the light would they be more attractive or is the trick to fantasize and revive that image in my head of my beloved Richard Gere as Edward Lewis?
My need for survival continues to take over my life. I am so overwhelmed by everything that I need to do. My body is so tired and over-worked and it is in constant pain, but I need the help of my body to accomplish all the things that I need to do. Lord, you know that I am trying. Please heal my body and give me the strength, energy, and self-discipline I need to put my life in order and to accomplish my goals.
Abba, please allow my life to be more than just mere survival. I have wasted so much of my time and so much of my life just playing the game that my childhood dreams are so faded now that it is hard to remember what they were.
Abba, please allow my life to be more than just mere survival. Bless those people who are dear to me and send me people who can be helpful in my quest. Open my heart to allow love into my life and help me to make better choices and decisions. Help me to find my way and lead my life in a better and greater direction.
Yes, stop the struggle, Lord. Walk beside me in my everyday life. Allow things to go smoothly. Block my enemies from my path and block their unkind words that make me feel inadequate. Help me to accomplish the little things of everyday life so that I can focus on more important things.
Help me to lead by example. Help me to inspire and to be inspired. Help me to see the greatness of Your works and help me to do great things in Your name.
Your humble servant,
Win =.)
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