SPIRITUAL: In the beginning, there was God, and for me, this year's journey will begin with God, for with God, all things are possible. He has to be part of my equation. He has to be part of my puzzle. I put my problems, my hope, and my dreams into His hands.
To keep myself inspired, I have purchased "Daily Inspiration for the Purpose Driven Life."
For everything, absolutely everyting, above and below, visible and invisible, rank after rank of angels~ everything began with Him and finds it's purpose in Him. ~ Colissuabs 1:16
It grieves me to know that the anti-Christ has come to America. It is so sad that God has been taken out of the equation from which this country was founded. Happy Holidays vs Merry Xmas?! Taking God out of schools? Getting rid of the Ten Commandments?
What motto did Congress authorize all US currency and coins to say in 1953?
A. In God We Trust
B. United States of America
C. Liberty
Why is it that they worship our currency, even though it says: In God We Trust. Will changing our currency be the next step of the anti-Christ?
HEALTH & BEAUTY: I am still sick and my voice is very hoarse, but I wont have health insurance until the end of January.
The first two days of the year, I ate too much. I guess my body needed it. Today, I have been more conscious of the portions that I am putting into my mouth. When I feel hungry, it helps to drink a glass of sugar-free drink mix first. If I am still hungry, then, I eat. Seeing myself in the glass window at the bank made me conscious of how square and stocky my body looks. Sad. Going through my underwear drawer made me conscious that I only have four underwear that actually fit well. Sad. I tried to buy some more, but the only sizes left were the little sizes and the kind that dont cover your front or your back. Were panties reinvented by men this year? This week, I will do stretches, but mostly, I will focus on portion control. Next week,I will start walking.
CAREER: I havent started my paperwork yet. I will need to start on it tomorrow. I wish I could find a more efficient way to arrange my furniture so that I can have more efficient area to work at home. I still have three days left, but I will probably need to go in Friday if I cant get the paperwork done at home. If I move the sofa, the living area will be really crowded. Ughhh... the perils of a single person's apartment.
On "The View," they said that a woman will kiss 79 men in her lifetime. Wow! I think I am running behind. I wonder how many more frogs I have to kiss to find my prince. I hadno idea that I should have been counting them!
I did run into the Seafood guy and he told me that I am pretty. Blush!
Dr. Phil has a new book out called "Love Smart." I caught a glimpse of his show today. He had a woman who has been on 300 dates in three years. Wow! And still no boyfriend? Dr. Phil says you have to ask the right questions. Since I dont usually get the luxury of seeing his show, I will need to buy his book.
My horoscope for 2006 was not what I expected. They say that this year, I need to focus on my home, as that may mean a more beautiful (neater?) home environment ~ or moving. Will this be the year that I finally leave the Valley?! Leaving seems impossible, because I have too much stuff, and I dont have the money to move yet.
My organization mission began with the Space Bags advertised on TV. I thought I would love them, but I am very disappointed. Luckily, I was able to compress the comforters and blankets, but I expected them to be more compressed. I havent completed filling the other bags, mostly because the zippers are missing or dont work, but I hate taking things back, so I will keep trying. It makes me sad to put away the "little clothes" that I wore when I lost the weight two years ago, but I have to get back into them this year.
The discovery of Ziplock's new XL bags has made me fall in love with them. Unfortunately, I only bought one box ofthe XL and one box of the XXL. That meant that I had to go out and buy more XL bags! I am busy organizing and "packing" away things that I know I will take with me when I move. This process has made me visualize how much easier it will be when I finally decide to move, because I am not only organizing my stuff. I am also "packing" as I go. Wow! Isnt that great?!
The big problem is paper. So much paper that I havent been able to throw away because my personal information and account numbers are on them, but today, I bought a new toy~ a paper shredder! It was only $17 @ Wal-Mart. I can hardly wait to use my new toy.
I am working on building that $1,000 emergency statch. I now have two one-hundred dollar bills. That means that I only have eight more to collect.
When I paid my rent today, the landlady said that I had overpaid $80.00 in 2005. My forgetfulness saved me $80.00 in rent this month. Wow! My stupid memory problems paid off. When the landlady found out that I am working with at-risk youth, she says that I am entitled to a 6% discount on my rent. That sounds great because I am earning less money with the new job. Since I am not ready to move, I will be renewing my lease for another six months. I dont know how I feel about moving in July, though. It will be too hot to ask anybody to help me to move. I wonder how much it would cost to ask movers to do it. I must investigate before I make a decision, because it is always helpful to be prepared.
I thought Santa had missed my home this year, but when I went to my mailbox, I received a package from my best friend. She was also the only one who sent me a Xmas card this year. She has never been on time with Xmas cards and she has never given me a gift before. It was such an unexpected surprise! The package was a birthday-Xmas combination. (My birthday was in July.) It was a couple of scented candles and a black velvet cosmetic bag with rhinestones that spell out "Gorgeous." The note read: Thank you for always being there for me. I miss you. Love, Belle (It only took her about 16 years to notice? LOL... Gotta love her. Will need to send her a snail mail thank you letter.
When I went shopping today, I said hello to people I've never met before and probably will never see again. I did something a little different, though: I went through the self-serve check-out. That was fun!
I have noticed that even though some people are overweight, they know how to dress. In the winter, it is so much easier to hide your fat under layers of clothing. Unfortunately, this winter only lasted for about a couple of weeks. In my mind, I am frustrated, because I know how to dress when I am slim, but when I am heavier, I dont get dressed~ I cover up. How do they do it to make themselves look so good even though they are overweight? I am tired of covering up. Losing at least 20 pounds would make such a difference!
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------LOVE, MARY
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