Tags: !winivere-President'sDay
The quote I wrote yesterday made me think about my finances... (here is the quote I wrote in previous entry)
Being without money for so long is like being on a starvation diet. When it starts coming in, it's as if something inside you goes off and you want to eat/spend everything in sight. (lol)
I have never liked to be like some people who have no problem living from paycheck to paycheck... Even though I live by modest means, I like to be comfortable with my money and that often means being more in control of where I want my money to go... And so... the gears within my brain cells go round and round... Because I am a visual person, it will go something like this...
Get a notebook and section it off into eight different sections with the use of sheets with tabs... More than likely, I will get creative here with fancy art or stickers or something to make it less scary. (lol) Insert notebook paper for each different section or make my own Accounts Receivable/ Accounts Payable sheets and print them out to insert in each section. Also insert a large envelope in each section to hold receipts. Viola! Instant Financial Planner...
Because in the bank it will show my money as altogether, it will be very important to keep track of where my money will be going in this notebook...
Each separate Make Believe account will be calculated as such...
Every pay period, the percentage allowed for each account will be calculated as income for that account. The plan is not to go over... That way, there is always more money to work from... If the actual expense amount is less than the percentage allowed, it will stay in the pot of each individual account...
* Charity and Debt will always pull the complete 10% percentage expense per pay period until Debt is paid off. Once Debt is paid off it will free an additional 10% to work with... Savings will also be at 10% every pay period, but the rule for savings is that it cannot be touched until I have accumulated at least six months of minimum living expenses... All the other accounts will work towards something...
* If the Transporation expense is less, the remainder of the percentage will stay in the account towards the purchase of another car in the future. I wish this one could be more, but for now, it will need to remain at 10%.
* Although 5% for Body Image is very modest for a career girl and most of it will probably go towards laundry, the remainder of the percentage will stay in the account towards the purchase of nicer clothes or shoes, an occasional pedicure, or a special occasion dress, etc.
* If the Miscellaneous expense is less, the remainder of the percentage will stay in the account towards a mini-break or vacation.
"Spending money on whatever you want it to" is what gets people in trouble and causes people to live from paycheck to paycheck. The trick is to live below your means. Where would I have been if I had not saved my money?!! It will take a good while to recuperate the money that I have lost because I didn't have a job...
Three more days until the Full Moon... I know I am running behind in my entries and in my rituals... Here it is the 17th day of the month already, and I have yet to review where I am at on my 2008's resolutions...
1. To always have everything I need.
2. A successful career, doing what I love. I started a new job on February 4th. It really is too early to say how I feel about the job, but I am the only person in the Valley doing this and I will be covering four counties all by myself. I do not know yet how much travel that will require... The job is in the beginning stages so it is too early to tell...
The first week, my boss talked her head off explaining all the legal stuff and what I will be doing... The information is in three books full... It is a lot of information to learn... I really need to review it again, because I already forgot some important stuff...
The second week, my boss went back to San Antonio and I was left all alone. She didn't bother to contact me until the end of the week, and I think it was probably because I called her... I hope I will know what to do soon...
She said she was going to leave instructions for me, but she didn't leave any instructions at all... I took it upon myself to find the names and addresses for local businesses... I had about 100 when she said she wanted 200, so I had to spend another day trying to find them... I made copies of the flyers to announce the opening of our new office in the Valley... I made return labels and put stamps on the envelopes, and stuffed the envelopes with the flyer... When I talked to her on Thursday, she said she would be sending me pamphlets and business cards that she wanted me to put into the envelopes and that she will need to review the social services I found to see if those would be the ones we would be using or if she would need to change them... Ughhh.... after all that work of looking for them on the internet?! So... even though I had hoped to complete the letters by Friday, I have to wait because she has not told me if she has approved them... I hope I can send them off before the Full Moon...
3. To never have to worry about money.
4. To be healthy and fit and at my ideal weight. This has to be the next biggest thing to worry about... I feel like a stuffed tamale in my clothes... Also, I had no idea how very worn my black pants are! I went to Fashion Bug to see if they had any sales. They had a bubble thing that you walk into all by yourself, put your bare feet where it is marked and the computer takes your measurements with you just being inside of the bubble and standing still. I was not a happy camper when I saw my actual measurements. :::Shocking::: And then I tried on some pants because the bubble does not tell you what your size is. I was heartbroken that I had to find a bigger size than the size that I took into the dressing room... No, I didn't buy a new pair of pants... I was just trying to figure out what my size is...
She's such a cute girl... too bad she's got that huge tire around her middle!
Last week, I started to do body shaping with weights in the mornings. I will need to stop eating after 7:30 p.m. ~ that one will be the hardest. I wishmy legs and my hip were strong enough for me to start walking again... In the meantime, I will do stretches in the evenings...
5. To have a bigger place to live with room enough for company and where I can have all of my things in one place.
6. New eyeglasses and contacts. I will have to wait on getting an eye exam, etc, because my insurance will not kick in until I am three months on the job... I was felt scared when I read that they can get rid of me at any time... I hope I will do so well at my job that they will want to keep me...
7.To fix my car and save for a better one.
8. To rebuild my savings.
9. To replace my worn-out clothes, purse, and shoes with nicer ones.
10. A new romance with a single man who loves me and whom I can love and admire. I never called the coach (the guy I met on the last day of 2007). I met an older man on Friday who said he found a dove. He said he would give me the dove if I called him... (LOL) God if I stay fat, I may have to end up with a man who looks like that... OMGGG... I do so want to have better choices...
11. To spend more time with family and friends. I had hoped to enjoy my three-day weekend, but the Pest Control people are coming again on Tuesday. What's up with that? Weren't they just here last week?! Ihaven't done much cleaning today. I only cleaned the bathtub, the toilet, and the sink... I hate having these people come into my apartment all the time... Do I have to allow them to come in?! I will need to review info on tenant's rights...
My youngest daughter called today to see how the new job is going... I spoke with my grand-daughter and she sang some songs for me and told me she loves me...
She says: When are you coming, Nana? And I tell her: Nana doesn't have money to go see you yet, but maybe by my birthday... So she turns to her mommy and she tells her: Let's go buy some money at the store for Nana so she can come to see me. =.)
12. To win the pending case with the man who is suing me. I wrote my rebuttal, but they have not responded... I am hoping they will withdraw this demand for $3000+ for the damages he is claiming that my little car did to his big vehicle... I leave it in God's hands...
13. More bubble baths, manicures and pedicures. None so far this year?! OMGGG! How can it be?! There is NO bubble bath in my apartment. Must put it on my grocery list or I will continue to forget...
14. To go toYouth Leadership camp this summer.
15. To get in the ocean this year. It has been so hot, but it has also been so windy this week... I thought it was funny when I was standing in line with a few ladies, waiting for Fashion Bug to open, because the sign on the door said 'Winter Hours.' One of the girls asked: Is it still winter? LOL @ it is always Summer in the Valley...
I could have gone to the Island today, but I had to go buy toilet paper and groceries and I have to try to clean this apartment within the next two days. I was so exhausting from cleaning the bathtub, the toilet and the sink that I had to rest... After I went to get groceries, I was exhausted from bringing them up the stairs... I only brought the things that go into the refrigerator first... I had to take a nap before I went back down to bring up the rest of the groceries... It's not as if I bring up a lot of groceries... It's just that I can't carry too much at one time... I still have to go back down to throw out the trash, but I think I will wait to do that tomorrow... I know my legs and my back will not allow to me clean as perfectly as I would like, but I hope I can at least clean up enough to make it look decent... I hate that they check all your apartment as if it was their own. I think it is an invasion of my privacy and I would rather that they didn't have to come in when I am not here.
16. A dresser to put my clothes in.
17. A table and chairs where my family can all sit down to eat together at Thanksgiving.
18. New pots and pans, a toaster, and a crock pot. I can hardly wait to get some money in my pocket... I have been dreaming of all the things that I can buy, but of course, I know that when it starts coming in, I will have to continue to be modest with my money until I can get it built up again...
Being without money for so long is like being on a starvation diet. When it starts coming in, it's as if something inside you goes off and you want to eat everything in sight. (lol)
19. To be free from pain.
20. For my legs to be strong enough to dance...
Well, one thing that happened this week was that Hilary Clinton showed up and did a drive by speech... I hope she does not get TEXAS!!!!!! Obama is supposed to show up this week and it looks as if Clinton will be back this week. Why is she coming back? Ughhh... The biggest Spanish station is telling the Hispanics to vote for her, that she is the only one who will give them what they want ~ to allow them to be illegal and stay here, etc. I hope she doesn't get TEXAS! Did I say that already?! Well... I hope she doesn't get Texas!
As for my review, it looks as if one of the main things has been accomplished... and that is for me to find a job... I am still waiting to see if I will love it... but hopefully, everything will fall into place, because I am expecting great things from 2008!
Great moments... come from... great opportunities... Be prepared... to be... at the right place... at the right time... to make them happen!