"Marina of the South" by John W. Waterhouse, 1842. Here, the artist paints a story: A woman kneels before her mirror, surrounded by old love letters. Her lover sees that her beauty has faded away and he walks out the door and out of her life.
15. I am grateful for my gift of sight. I am grateful that I can see all of the beautiful things in the world, but I am most grateful that I can see color. I know that I wear too much black, but what would my world be like if everything I looked at was in black and white?! Art is beautiful in black and white, but how much more beautiful is Art when it has color. I need more color in my life. I need more color in my wardrobe! I need to learn how to use color in my Art.
This weekend, I had to renew my eye glasses prescription, because my glasses are hanging on by a screw and they are not repairable. It's funny how whenever I start a new job, it turns out that I need a new pair of glasses. Could there be some sort of meaning behind that? Perhaps that I need to look at the world or the new job with new eyes?!
My cousin works at Wal-Mart in the Vision Dept. I went to see her so that she could help me decide on a new pair of frames, although I had pretty much decided on what I wanted. She liked what I selected, so I will put them on layaway. The glasses will be my Xmas present to myself, although I do not know if I can get them out by Xmas.
Melinda and her sisters are very beautiful. I was surprised that she told me that I was very pretty, because she has never told me that. She liked the color of my hair. Her mother is a beautician and she always does their hair. My hair color is from a box. =.)
I usually dont have much to talk about to family. I hate gossip, so I dont reveal too much to them, especially since my family is usually so critical and judgmental. But I did share with her that I am trying to lose weight. To my surprise, she made an observation:
"Your problem is that you dont have any support to motivate you!"
That's true. It would be nice to have some daily support. She said she would call me, but she has never called me the whole time I have lived in the Valley, so I dont think she will call.
Like Miranda of the South, I stand before the mirror, and I see that time is passing me by. Will I be able to rescue the Woman from the Glass Box or will she be but a memory of what might have been? It would be a shame not to lose this weight before my face and body become too old and wrinkled.
Thanks for stopping by. I am off to do some paperwork for my job. I hope you will be back to visit.
Love, Win =.)
Hey Win---The days do pass--too fast--Remember when we were soooo young that we couldn't wait to be old enough to date and drive cars---000h, WELL--- we made it!!!!!!!! LOL
Love, MARY
This painting makes me sad with the story behind it.
Not only do I have online support, but I joined TOPs for f2f support. It's not expensive and the ppl there have become like family to me. My family is pretty good about giving me support in things I do. I am blessed. Love, Dana
I love this portrait that you used, its beautiful.
So, are you and this entry.
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