Winning with Win

Put them in the freezer for 10-20 minutes. Gently break apart using a butter knife. Put back into freezer if they don't come apart easily.
Put them in the freezer for 10-20 minutes. Gently break apart using a butter knife. Put back into freezer if they don't come apart easily.
Heat the black "ring" portion of a 2 liter plastic soda pop bottle with a hairdryer and remove the ring. Cut the bottom part of the clear plastic container with a knife. Insert the skein of yarn inside the bottle and run the yarn through the top opening. Slip the ring back on the bottom end of the bottle. If the ring is too loose, tape it to the clear part of the bottle.
Heat the black "ring" portion of a 2 liter plastic soda pop bottle with a hairdryer and remove the ring. Cut the bottom part of the clear plastic container with a knife. Insert the skein of yarn inside the bottle and run the yarn through the top opening. Slip the ring back on the bottom end of the bottle. If the ring is too loose, tape it to the clear part of the bottle.
Soak white raisins (yellow Dole plump up best) in gin for seven days then pour off gin. Eat nine raisins per day. You can grind the raisins and take one heaping teaspoonful per day.
JOGGING IN A JUG (homemade)
Mix 1 part apple cider vinegar to 4 parts purple grape juice and 4 parts apple juice. Mix together well. Keep in the refrigerator. Take 2 oz. every morning after breakfast to help lower your cholesterol level.
A cup of vinegar poured into your mop water will make your kitchen floor gleam. On no-wax floors that have dulled it brings out the shine. On waxed floors it helps cut through years of wax buildup, leaving the surface bright.
Dust talcum powder into the cracks.
Mix Massengill feminine douche powder as per directions. With a spray bottle, saturate the affected animal or surface and bathe.
Mix Massengill feminine douche powder as per directions. With a spray bottle, saturate the affected animal or surface and bathe.
When working outside in the cold weather. put on a pair of rubber surgical gloves under your wool gloves. It works on the same principle as wet suits work for skin divers.
I'm lost, I've gone to look for myself.
If I should return before I get back...
ask me to wait.
Author Unknown.
I'm lost, I've gone to look for myself.
If I should return before I get back...
ask me to wait.
Author Unknown.

Hello, Everyone...
Sorry my recent entries have not been more personal. As usual for this time of year, I am drowning in paperwork at work. Frustrating...
The dance instructor never showed up at my school, so I am taking ballroom dance lessons on Thursdays. I was late for my second lesson this past week, because I had to take a picture of the kids that were in the skit so I could enter it with a story for the program newsletter. I had lots of problems getting the picture to the person who is doing the newsletter, because our emails reject each other's schools. Frustrating!
The picture came out awesome with a fishbowl effect. Sorry I cannot post, but confidentiality, ya know...
When I got to the school where they were giving the dance lessons, the building was closed. One of the kids outside said they had cancelled the lesson because of the weather. I hope I didnt miss the second lesson, because I promised the kids that we would be dancing this semester. Frustrating...
The worst thing that happened this week was that one of the 6th grade boys urinated on the coke machine and in the drinking fountain. I think he was angry because the principal does not allow the kids to have sugary sodas or snacks. This is not the first time that he gets into trouble. I wonder if they will suspend him or expel him. Frustrating.
My boss sent some girl over to my campus to learn from me. I was very upset because I am trying to get caught up in my paperwork, and he didnt bother to warn me. On Monday she will be at a different campus but it sounds as if my boss wants her to come over to my campus. Frustrating.
Needless to say, I am very overwhelmed by all this, not to add that my electric bill is up for disconnect because I forgot to make the payment (wasnt it just recently that I paid it?!) AND I have to clean the apartment for the Pest control guy who is a pest himself. Frustrating!!!!!!!!
So before you lay your head on your pillow tonight, say a little prayer for me. I could really use it.

Hi Win! Good to see you again. It seems it's been a while. Thanks for the helpful hints. I'm going to try the arthritis remedy. I could sure use some relief. It sounds like you could use some relief, as well and I will certainly pray for you! Have a great deserve it! Jo
You are a lovely person taking time with the children you teach.You have true dedication, you cant say that about alot of teachers and supports in our schools. i will add my prayers for you.
love and hugs
I really enjoyed reading your journal.....found it very interesting!
I put your journal in my alerts...would like to keep up with your "news".
Take Care
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