Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Prosperity Door


I didn't plan on giving a Bible Lesson, but in order to answer your question about the Prosperity Door, I have to start with scripture...

The message at church yesterday was about Jacob's Ladder... Jacob went into the desert with only his staff and the clothes on his back... He laid down to rest and he lay his head on a rock. (Jesus is the rock.)

Jacob fell asleep and he dreamed that he saw a stairway (ladder) reaching from earth to heaven, with angels walking up and down the steps of the staircase (ladder). (Some readings say a staircase; some say a ladder.) And there was the Lord, standing beside him, and God made His promises to Jacob... to bless him and protect him and to favor him with prosperity...

So why were the angels walking up and down the ladder? The Bible says that the angels can fly (Isaiah 6:6). In Jacob's dream, the angels walked up and down the ladder to demonstrate to Jacob that prosperity will not come all at once... that prosperity will come step by step...

And why was God standing there? God was standing there because when God is in our lives, all things are possible... When we go through life all alone, life is harder. We have to do everything by ourselves. It is like living the life of a stray dog who gives his life to luck. Sometimes he eats; sometimes he doesnt. Sometimes he is cold; sometime he's not... But when we belong to God and we face the problems and troubles of life, God walks before us to help us to clear away the obstacles that are before us...

Jacob took the rock that he had been sleeping on and he set it up as a memorial. He poured olive oil on it, and he dedicated it to God. And then he told God that if God will keep his promises to bless him and to protect him and to grant him prosperity, then he will worship God in this place, and he will give him a tenth of everything that God gives him...

So why did Jacob promise to give God a tenth of his earnings? Jacob was the son of Isacc and he was the grandson of Abraham. The Bible says that we are to give a tenth to God and a tenth to Caesar (government taxes). Jacob made this promise, because this is the promise that his father Isacc and his grandfather Abraham made to God. He knew that God kept His promises to Abraham and Isacc, because his father and his grandfather were very rich men. 

Jacob kept his promise to God, and God saw that Jacob was a man that He could trust to keep his promises to Him, and so God made Jacob a very rich man. 

In the church, there is a door. The door has no walls... The door has hinges and it has a knob and it opens and it closes... 

The people who walk through the Prosperity Door walk through the door in faith. They make the same pact with God that Abraham, Isacc, and Jacob did.

Every time we walk through the Prosperity Door, it is a reminder of the promise that we made to God...

Prosperity comes in all forms... Health, Work, Money...

If God gives us prosperity,

He watches to see what we will do with it.

The government automatically takes their 10th through taxes, but will we give our 10th to the Lord?  Will we respect the prosperity that God has given to us and use it for our greatest good and for the good of others... Or will we throw our prosperity to the wind?...

He who dies with the most toys

is still dead.


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful service you sure had. It is one I have long loved as well.  In Bath our nearest City there is a beautiful abbey. On the outside on either side of the main doors are many various statues etc. but also there is on either side a set of ladders..on the ladders are Angels...some going up and some going down...If you send me your snail mail addy  I will send you a post card with a view of the Abbey and the Angels going up and down.  Love  Sybil xx

Anonymous said...

AMEN Wini.  God Bless you.
Hugs, Joyce

Anonymous said...

Lovely posting once again my friend.Thankyou for sharing .You will reap your rewards Winivere,I am sure of it.God is Good.Take Care for now.Hugs God Bless Prayers continueing for you always.Kath astoriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES

Anonymous said...

thanks Win for describing it; makes perfect sense now; I hadn't heard of it described like this before. we are all stewards of everything we have; it was all given to us by God anyway and I know one day we will have to account to him how we used what he gave us.

great entry!


Anonymous said...

Great post Wyn.....your explanation was so good. Thank you for being who you are and sharing your words of wisdom.

Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

ahhh the govt takes more than a 10th! Heck, then if you add fees for my plates, property tax etc etc man!