Wednesday, January 23, 2008

GlassBox Update


Someone that I trusted told the landlady that I do not have a job. It really is none of her business, as long as I pay the rent. It is upsetting, because she left me a nasty note on the door.

I know that in the first weeks of the month, I said that I was not going to put in anymore applications until I knew that I would have an address... BUT I have continued to put in applications anyway, and now I have too many applications in the fire... I need to figure out how I am going to stay in my apartment in February...

I tried to play my "wild card"... a retirement savings that I had when I worked at my last job. There is only $1000 in the account, but because I am not 60 years old, I would lose at least 40% of the money, and I would have to leave at least $500 in the account. That means that I would only get about $300 or less from it after all the penalties and taxes that I would have to pay the company to take the money out plus I will have to pay extra taxes on it on next year's income tax. I hate to admit that I made this stupid mistake. For me, it doesn't make sense to keep this account if I am not able to contribute to it, and it keeps on going down because the market is down. It doesn't make sense to try to get any money out of this "investment" ~ and I use the term loosely, so I will have to figure out another way to get through this... It was a waste of time and money to even consider going into this investment idea, because I need the money now.

I have not asked anyone for money, because I do not know when I will find a job and I want to make sure that I would be able to pay that person back...

I did my income tax yesterday. I hope I did it right and I hope it gets here fast.

I am happy that Monday was Martin Luther King day, because it is a reminder to hold on to my dream...


Anonymous said...

Good luck Win, think many of us have been in your shoes, you're not alone. Am here for you!
Keeping you in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it is any of her business on how you get your income! Wow, people really are nosey! I am so sorry you have to go through this Winivere and all that extra drama doesn't make it any easier. You are in my prayers. -Missy

Anonymous said...


I'm sorry that the landlady left you a nasty note.  You've been paying the rent, so who cares HOW?  There are laws in place before someone can be evicted, so know that you'd have some time there.  Not that you wish to have that process even started, but an fyi that you could check out your state/county/city laws on that.  

Are there any emergency aid places around?  You used to help so many people -- perhaps you know already that some such places can exist.  You have legitimate need, and are truly searching.  May things work out SOON.

Anonymous said...

Some people eh? It's none of your landlady's concern where you get the money from, as long as she gets paid. It's a pity about the wee pot of money, but needs must as they say. Keeping fingers crossed that your situation gets sorted very soon.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry you are having so much trouble.  You are in my prayers.
Hugs & Luv, Joyce

Anonymous said...

Dear Win..It is such a hassle when the Landlord starts making digs at you...especially as it is none of her business so long as you pay rent when it is due..I don't know how the laws work in your state so can't give any advice. However I know that if there is something you could do you would be doing it. Over here we have something called Citizens Advice was set up after the war (1945!!)  to assist people in any kind of trouble. I worked as a volunteer there for a few years and we could usually help in your kind of situation.  Keep your chin up
Love  sybil x

Anonymous said...

What in the world did that landlord write to you?  It is none of her business. Her only business is getting that rent check.  :-(  Sorry you are going thru all of this.  Can you call around to churchs and the salvation army for some assistance.


Anonymous said...

What a pain for that person to tell your land lady ~ what right did they have??  I hope you are ok xx
