Saturday, January 5, 2008



January 6 is the day of Epiphany ~

When Mary and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem for the census, they had nothing, but then, something, miraculous happened... Although they arrived after the birth of Jesus, they arrived just in time! All the while that Mary and Joseph were traveling to Bethlehem and preparing for the birth of Jesus, the Three Wise Men had been traveling far and wide into the unknown, led only by a star to meet this newborn King of humble beginnings and to bring them great gifts of frankincense, myrrh and gold.

What king is this that even the animals kneel down before him?!

In the Hispanic culture, the coming of the Three Kings is a big event. It our version of Santa Claus, except that the requests are made to the Three Kings who came bearing gifts to our Lord...

The night before the Three Kings arrive, children gather grass and water for the King's camels and put them in an empty shoe box underneath their bed with their list of requests. It is said that the children who were good all year will receive little gifts in their shoe box by morning... Some children send out two letters, one to Santa Claus and one to the Three Kings...

During this time, Herod was killing all of the newborn boys because he was afraid of the prophecy of Jesus Christ. The house posts were marked with red blood so that their households would be spared. Therefore, a special blessing for the home is made on this day...

* Peace be to this house and to all who enter here.

* A reading from Proverbs: By wisdom a house is built and through understanding it is established, through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.

* Let us pray: Gracious Lord, as a shining star once guided the magi to the birthplace of the infant Jesus, so enable those who dwell here to be your light in the world, through Christ Jesus, we pray.

* Amen.

* A reading from Isaiah: The effect of righteousness is peace, and the result of righteousness, quietness and trust forever. My people will abide in a peaceful habitation in secure dwellings and quiet places. 

* Let us pray. Sovereign God, we pray that you will bless this home and all who live here with your gracious presence, that your love may be our inspiration, your wisdom our guide, your truth our light, and your peace our benediction, through Jesus Christ, we pray.

* Amen.

* Lord, remember your children and teach us to pray...

* Our Father who art in Heaven...

* May the Lord watch over our going out and our coming in from this time forth and forevermore. Amen.

+ + +

I found my gold dollar coins (3) and the frankincense and myrrh, but I am doing something a little different this year. I am laying out three coins from three different countries instead... I went outside to cut a little bit of grass to bring it inside and put out some water for the wise men's camels... I also added my requests, a letter of recommendation, and my resume... and I have laid all of this out before the nativity...

The Three Kings bread is also a popular tradition... It is a sweet bread made in the shape of a wreath... A little plastic baby is hidden inside the baked bread... The person who finds the baby Jesus is supposed to bring the King's bread the following year... I don't particularly like the "rosca." I think it tastes kind of bland, but it is tradition...

The coming of the Three Kings brings forth new hope...

Even though we have nothing, God will find a way to provide...


Anonymous said...

I'm part hispanic, and have never heard of the tradition of the water and grass under the bed.... LOL!!!  But it sounds like a great tradition!!  Good entry!!


Anonymous said...

i love this story. my favorite version is in luke. " behold i bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. for unto you this day, a savior is born, which is Christ the Lord" i had never heard of the spanish tradition, so it was very interesting. bless your faith. blessings, angelia

Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing how much one can learn each and every day if only one listens. I had not heard of these traditions and I pray that all your wishes and the prayers of all the children come true at this wonderful time of the year. God Bless  Love  Sybil xx

Anonymous said...

I hope that you get many blessings for a job. Thanks for sharing that story with us.
My family doesn't practice the hispanic traditions that was my grandparents took all that knowledge with them. My SIL is from Guadalajara and she knows all kinds of traditions that she has shared with my nieces which I'm glad because someone will know them. My nephew's wife does a lot of the traditions too with their kids.
Take care and Hugs, Chrissie

Anonymous said...

You are so imformative Winivere.I have learned lots of things I hadn't heard of  since coming to your journal.I love the story of the bread wreath.It's a little like the Christmas Pudding one we do isn't it.I hope whatever people ask of, God provides them with this year and many more to come too.Especially all the little ones and there families around the world who are starving.Lets count our blessings this Sunday morning." Give us this day our daily bread " Amen.I have counted mine.Take Care God Bless Kath astoriasand

Anonymous said...

My boyfriend was telling me about "The day of the Kings last night". I had never heard of it before until I saw it on Univision and asked him about it. He is from Mexico so he celebrates it. Interesting Holiday, thank you for sharing! Have a great day-Missy

Anonymous said...

Hi Wini, we have always celebrated the Epiphany.  We also have very close friends from Puerto Rico who celebrate Three Kings Day.  LOL...I love the bread.  My kids used to love to try and find the baby.  They also had King Cake from one of their teachers from La. for the beginning of Lent.  I'm praying that your resume gets read and you get yourself a job real soon.  HUGS Chris

Anonymous said...

The story of the box with straw under the bed puts a new perspective on a tradition in Western Europe, where St Nicholas, riding a white charger, will deliver presents on December 5th. Children will put a carrot for the horse in a shoe by the fireplace, which (come morning) will be replaced by a present.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful entry ,I really enjoyed that ,nice to know some of us are spreading the word ,truly lovely graphics Jan xx