Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Seek The Light


As you travel through the darkness and the times in your life are difficult, you will seek the light and find it... as light triumphs over darkness!

One of my favorite stories in the Bible is the story of Jesus walking on the water. Peter sees Him and he wants to walk out to Him, and so he does... until Peter fails to believe. Then, his body is enveloped by the ocean. Jesus stretches out His hand to save Peter from drowning, and then, He says:

"O, ye of little faith! Why did you doubt? Can't you see that I am with you?!! Always."

Many people believe that there is power and strength in the ocean, because that is where Jesus walked, and so do I. My body needs to feel the sea breeze against my skin, the sand sinking beneath my feet, and the salt of the ocean waves brushing against my body. I miss being able to sit on my front porch just to watch the sailboats passing by. I know that it is up to God to decide where my new assignment will be. My heart wants so much to be able to return to Corpus Christi... but sometimes, what you wish for is not what you need... and so, I put my job search in God's hands... to take me where He thinks is best...

My grateful list...

1. I am grateful that God has provided me with a lifetime of memories and successful stories.

2. I am grateful that I am a woman of strength.

3. I am grateful that I have electricity, running water, telephone service, and a roof over my head.

4. I am grateful that I am intelligent and that I have skills and experience to offer an employer.

5. I am grateful that I continue to have a positive attitude.


Anonymous said...

good luck with the job search.

Anonymous said...

This is one of my favorite stories too, one I think upon whenever I find myself fearful or insecure. What we're focusing upon determines to a large degree how successful happy we'll be. LOVE your journal. Oh, and you too.
Big hugs.