Saturday, March 17, 2007

St Patrick Activities


St Patrick's Day Trivia
1. Where was St Patrick born?
Wales, Ireland, England, France
2. Which city's St Patrick's Day parade garners the most viewers?
Dublin, Belfast, New York, Boston
3. At the age of 16, St Patrick considered himself __________?
Pagan, Scholar, Prophet, Misunderstood
4. How many Americans have Irish ancestry?
4 million, 12 million, 20 million, 34 million
5. Which myth is NOT associated with St Patrick?
He drove the snakes from Ireland.
His jawbone was preserved in silver.
He converted Druid warrior chiefs.
He brewed a version of Guinness beer.
6. Which pope canonized St Patrick? 
Innocent I, Pius III, John Paul II, St Patrick has not been canonized.
7. Which organization began the group St Patrick's Festival?
The Roman Catholic Church, The Irish Government, Sinn Fein, Gaelic Athletic Association
8. According to world records, what is the most number of leaves found on a shamrock?
4, 5, 11, 14
9. Leprechauns are said to perform which service for fairies?
Make their shoes, Keep their gardens, Guard their gold, Nothing.
10. Which brand of drink is NOT Irish, and thus not fit for consumption on St Paddy's Day?
Smithwick's Ale, Jameson's Whiskey, Bulmer's (aka Magner's) Cider, Glendiffich.
Lucky Study
Professor Richard Wiseman conducted an experiment to find out why some people are consistently lucky whereas others are not. He identifies certain characteristics of lucky people and provides the following 4 point plan to increase your own luck:
Listen to your gut instincts - they are normally right

Be open to new experiences and breaking your normal routine

Spend a few moments each day remembering things that went well

Visualize yourself being lucky before an important meeting or telephone call. Luckis very often a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Irish Coffee Recipe
1 shot Irish whiskey
1T sugar
6oz coffee
whipped cream for garnish
Pre-warm a stemmed glass. Add the whiskey. Add the sugar. Stir in the coffee. Float the whipped cream on top.  Do not stir after adding the cream. Drink the coffee through the cream.

df_2-1.jpg  Answers to Quiz

1:Wales 2:New York 3:Pagan 4:34 million 5:He brewed a version of Guiness. 6:St Patrick has not been canonized. 7:Irish government. 8:14 9:Make their shoes. 10:Glenfiddich

Pot of Gold




Anonymous said...

Thanks for that i found it interesting.
i hope you are feeling better today
love and hugs

Anonymous said...

I only got half right, the first time I took that quiz, lol, and yet, I even KNEW that St. Patrick had been born in Wales, sheesz.   Now I hope I won't forget!  I have a ton of St. P. activities I need to blog about stilll.........
Hmmm, I really should try an Irish coffee again, not the iced coffee I tried yesterday.......   enjoy the rest of your March:) -- Robin